Chapter 194 How to Win?
The trainees are rushing to the last minute. The performance is on Thursday and the broadcast is on Saturday. The day after the broadcast is the day of the first round of elimination.

Huge pressure hangs over everyone's head.

Everyone was very nervous.

For the team that wins the performance, each member can get a bonus of 10 votes, and the person with the most votes for the performance of the entire group can get another bonus of 10 votes.

Except for a few popular trainees, most of the trainees did not have 20 tickets the day before the performance.

Therefore, for the vast majority of trainees, this performance is a battle to decide whether to stay or not.

On the contrary, the least nervous ones are the few trainees from Class A who have a good fan base,

They have already accumulated a large number of fans after the three episodes have been played. Even if they fail in this performance, they won't just drop out of the top [-] just like that.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" they were waiting for the last rehearsal below the stage.

Everyone is wearing black, very cool clothes.

Above is another group, Luo Zi's team.

"We are black, they are white, I think white clothes look good!" The people on Ye Tian's side looked at those people on the stage from the audience.

In order to distinguish the teams, the program group will not give the two teams the same clothing.

Of course, for the sake of fairness, there will not be too much difference in style.

"White looks fatter, black is better!" After more than two weeks of running-in, everyone's relationship has become much better.

Everyone is not bad, and they want to rush forward. Many people with a small number of fans also want to win this round and win the 10 votes.

"It's the last rehearsal, everyone, be serious!" After the previous team danced, it was their turn.

The members of Luo Zi's team did not leave, but sat down and watched Ye Tian's performance.

"They added a lot of movements." Ye Tian's group, because of Ye Tian's presence, helped many people in the group to figure out the movements, and most of the group B's learning ability is top-notch.

After learning the dance, they put a lot of effort into the formation.

Luo Zi was very calm at first, but the more she watched, the less calm she became.

She was originally from Class B and was a personal trainee. Although her strength was good, she hadn't reached the level of being particularly amazing.

After the first issue, she saw her ranking. After that, although she didn't see it, she also felt that the ranking was in jeopardy.

This battle, only if she wins, can she stay.

The truth is so ridiculous, so what if she is from Class B?Many people in class C and even class D voted more than her, because there is a company behind them, and she is just an individual trainee.

At first, she didn't have such a sense of urgency, but after seeing Ye Tian and their last performance, that sense of urgency appeared instantly.

After dancing the song, everyone in Ye Tian's group laughed happily. They hugged each other, holding Ye Tian in the middle.

“Sweet is so good!”

"I was almost stunned! The action just now almost scared me, so handsome! We will definitely win!"

Before the last rehearsal, Ye Tian added other moves.

Qi Ye, who was guarding them below, felt his heart beating faster after seeing that movement.

It's so...

Luo Zi's heartbeat also accelerated, but she was not happy.

How else can they win?

 In the process of PK, please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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