Chapter 212 Report Peace

When Qi Ye received the notification, he stood up in fright. Originally, he was the one to go out to pick it up, but thinking that his goal was bigger than the three of Ye Tian, ​​the program team directly rejected his request.

He could only watch the news on the Internet anxiously, and saw those people reporting to block three people in the amusement park.

Most people are not fans of Ye Tian's trio, they just see it as a game of cat and mouse.

Some people complained that the three of Ye Tian actually ran away without even taking off their masks.

[Qi Ye V: Chasing in the playground is a very dangerous behavior, it will cause a great psychological shadow on the chased, and dangerous accidents will also occur.I hope everyone can treat it rationally. The trainees wear masks because they don’t want to be recognized or disturbed. Please respect everyone.Outside the camera, everyone is an ordinary person!

The amusement park chases the stars, forcing them to flee, which is no different from illegitimate behavior. 】

After he received the news that Ye Tian got into the car safely, he preserved his sanity.

Many celebrities have crowd phobia after becoming stars. They dare not appear in crowded places, because it is a very scary thing for them.

Especially in the absence of security measures.

Ye Tian saw Qi Ye's message, and after seeing that the other party was still online, she immediately sent him an emoji.

Starlight Girl-Ye Tian: [I want to hug.jpg]
Qi Ye: [hug.jpg]
After posting, Ye Tian went on to edit her own red eyes.

[Starlight Girl-Ye Tian V: We have all felt everyone's enthusiasm, and now we are safely seated in the car of the program group, everyone in the playground should pay attention to safety, don't have a stampede accident! 】

[Starlight Girl-Wang Qing V: Woohoo, I forgot to buy cotton candy when I was leaving, I will make it up next time!We have boarded the car safely, everyone should pay attention to safety~]

[Starlight Girl-Shu Ruxue V: The program team came to pick her up, nothing happened, it's safe, go back right away. 】

After the three of them posted red eyes, the fans who had been worried all the time breathed a sigh of relief.

[Is my three younger sisters too miserable?Go to the amusement park happily, only to go back without doing anything? 】

[No, there is still something to gain, the harvest is frightened [狗头]]

[Just go back, just go back, it's too dangerous! 】

[I'm so worried. I'm really afraid that they will be found. I feel so distressed. Where were the three hiding just now? 】

The fans of the three are quite rational, but there are also some people who want to watch the excitement but don't see it as cynicism.

[What the hell, I really think of myself as an onion. 】

[Going to an amusement park even though you know you are very popular recently?On purpose? 】

[I think so too, is it such a coincidence?Did you know that there was a program recording over there, and then went there on purpose?Show group hype? 】

[Is it just me who thinks Ye Tian is ugly?Why do so many people still like it? 】

【Am I the only one who finds this trending search embarrassing?You can tell you bought it just by looking at it! #宋晓雯星光女孩#]

Song Xiaowen's team started buying hot search operations.

After Ye Tian's fans saw it, they didn't buy it.

Everyone understands it in their hearts!
If it weren't for Song Xiaowen, how could the three younger sisters have been arrested?

With that attire, you will never be found in the crowd!
The three of Ye Tian didn't care about the comments on the Internet any more, and when they returned to Starlight Entertainment, Zhao Wu stood at the door.

When Wang Qing saw the other party, she rushed over immediately: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Qi Ye also stood by, looking at Ye Tian.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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