Chapter 213

"Are you okay?" Qi Ye looked at Ye Tian, ​​his face turned pale, as if he was frightened.

It took a total of more than ten minutes by car, and the three of them hadn't fully recovered from the horror of the haunted house.

"It's okay." Ye Tian hooked the corners of her mouth, trying to pretend to be calm.

"Wooooow, I'm scared." Wang Qing roared directly.

"A crowd of people rushed towards me all at once."

"It's all strangers, I don't know what they are going to do."

"I don't have that many fans!"

What happened this time cast a certain shadow on her view of the amusement park.

The dream has not been realized, the little train has not been taken, and the cotton candy has not been eaten, but I will never dare to go to the amusement park in the future.

"Don't cry, don't cry, it's okay, you are not very lucky." Zhao Wu felt helpless when he heard Wang Qing's voice.

Just happened to find that program group.

Because the resident guests of that program group belong to the kind of people who are relatively popular but not very popular, so even if they were filming there, it would not cause too much sensation.

Because of this, as long as there are no popular stars participating in the event, the program group will not strengthen security in particular, and sometimes they will specially design activities that require passers-by to complete together.

It can only be said that Ye Tian and the others were not very lucky. They met this program group.

If it is another program group, at least safety can be guaranteed!
"It's okay, it's okay, let's go back and have a rest." Zhao Wu came out because she was afraid that the three of them would be in a bad mood, and she was the only one among the tutors who was a woman.

You can't let the girls throw themselves into the arms of the male tutor, can you?

"It's fine. Come in." Qi Ye kept his eyes on Ye Tian.

He also wanted to go up and hug Ye Tian, ​​and he could tell from Ye Tian's eyes that she was afraid.

But there are too many people around, it can't be done.

"I dare not sleep alone at night!" Wang Qing said in Zhao Wu's ear.

Zhao Wu was a little surprised.

After going through this kind of thing, wouldn't you be afraid to see people?Why is this the other way around?
Shu Ruxue, who was standing behind, frowned suddenly after hearing this.

She wasn't particularly scared, and it was over when she came out.

But Wang Qing never seemed to recover.

"Woooo, we went to the haunted house."

"very scary."

"The people in the haunted house won't go in and look for it!"

Speaking of the haunted house, Qi Ye's expression became a little more serious.

He remembered the time when he took Ye Tian to the haunted house.

Not so good.

"It's all right, it's all fake." Zhao Wu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, comforted her, and led Wang Qing inside.

Shu Ruxue walked over and said next to Wang Qing: "Then you will sleep with me tonight? I'll go to your dormitory."

"Okay, okay!" Wang Qing was overjoyed, looking at Shu Ruxue as if she saw a savior.

Ye Tian also laughed, but Qi Ye next to her couldn't, because she always felt that something would happen tonight.

Ye Tian is very afraid of these things.

It may not show up during the day, but at night...

Go back, it's still early.

The other trainees have left, and the requirement of the program group is that it is OK if they can come back before [-]:[-] tomorrow night, because at [-]:[-] tomorrow night, the first round of voting ends, and the program group immediately counts the elimination list and announces it.

The three of them had nothing to do, so they followed the staff to work around.

The red eye of the program group naturally took this opportunity to record it.

[Starlight Girl V: Three people stranded in the program group, wandered around and finally got caught by the director to work [Video]]

 It's the last day of PK, please recommend tickets and five-star praise, please~

(End of this chapter)

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