Chapter 214 Begins
Now there are still hot searches about them, and with a wave of publicity, the number of fans has increased a lot.

【Poor, innocent, but edible. 】

【No, why did you arrange for Ye Tian to display Wangzai milk? 】

[The program team is afraid that they have lost their wits hahaha]

[Director, your props are gone! 】

It is impossible for the program group to really ask the three people to do anything, just ask them to replenish the consumed Wangzai milk.

Although you can't drink too much of this thing, it's a good choice to drink a bottle once in a while.There are 99 trainees in the program group, everyone has this idea, so the consumption of Wangzai's milk is quite fast.

[It's good that the three younger sisters are fine, there can't be a day trip to the amusement park, and a day trip to the workplace is also good! 】

The other trainees felt palpitations and a little envy after seeing the trending searches of the three people.

Some are envious of Ye Tian and the three of them who have been wrapped so tightly that they can all be recognized, but now she is shopping in the street swaggeringly, and no one calls her name.

There is also fear. If you encounter such a thing, can you react immediately?What happens if you don't react?
The three of Ye Tian followed the working group busy all day. At night, Ye Tian was lying on the bed alone.

Xing Ranran went home, her home was in Yancheng, and she went home to eat meals cooked by her mother in one day.

She couldn't fall asleep after turning off the lights, and was terrified when she thought of the things in the haunted house.

After thinking for a long time, she still sat up.

Holding the small pillow, put on the shoes, and walked out of the dormitory.

The lights outside were rather dim, so she walked cautiously, looking around every step she took.

Finally, they reached Qi Ye's gate.

Qi Ye didn't sleep. After hearing the knock on the door, he opened the door. Ye Tian threw herself into Qi Ye's arms and rubbed her head against his chest.

"I am afraid."

"Fool, why do you have to hide in the haunted house?" Qi Ye rubbed Ye Tian's head.

He clearly knew that he was afraid.

"I thought I wasn't too scared, but after I went in..."

What she thought before going in was, what are you afraid of if you have died once?
After entering, woo woo woo, death is really... woo woo woo, it's too scary!

But she didn't show it.

Only now, when it's just the two of them.

"Those people are scary too."

"It's okay." Qi Ye patted her back lightly along her hair.

"I dare not sleep alone."

"I'll accompany you."


The purpose of Ye Tian coming here with her pillow in her arms is to let Qi Ye accompany her!

Qi Ye stood by and sighed.

sleepless nights.

Even so, his eyes were still full of tenderness, and his heart was very comfortable.

Because of Ye Tian's dependence on him.

The first thing I thought of when I was afraid was him.

He was very happy.

"Drink a bottle of milk before going to bed." Qi Ye said, and took out Wang Zai who was next to him.

When Ye Tian is uneasy, drinking milk can stabilize her mood.

This is the method Qi Ye tried for so long.

"Yeah." Ye Tian hugged the milk and drank it, then hugged her little pillow and climbed onto the bed.

Well, if she's not greedy, just occupy a small space!
Ye Tian pulled Qi Ye's quilt to cover it, and Qi Ye took out another quilt.

The two lay on the bed, Ye Tian stretched out her hand, pulled Qi Ye, and closed her eyes.

Well, rest assured.

Qi Ye also closed his eyes and let out a breath.

It's time to start...

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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