Chapter 230 Exploitation
Ye Tian looked at the sky, and felt that it was really not a good thing for the program team to invite an assistant guest for everyone.

Of course, half an hour ago, she was very much looking forward to the guest assistant, but she simply forgot about it.

"What? Can't be selected today?" Song Xiaowen was a little impatient.

If it weren't for the concern that the camera was nearby, and a newcomer would talk to her like this, she would have taught her a lesson.

The purpose of coming to the program group is to gain popularity. If you can seize this wave of opportunities to sell personal settings, it is also a good choice.

If she can become popular, she will be able to get rid of the fate of only being a vicious female supporting role for a period of time.

After all, it's not that you can't play the heroine when you are older. For actresses, there is actually no difference between those in their 40s and their 20s.Some actresses in their 60s can still act as heroines!
"We...we are not very familiar with the song right now, so we have to wait until the afternoon to choose the C position..." It was Bu Ling who was standing next to him who spoke.

Her voice was a little low, but Song Xiaowen could still hear it.

"Okay, I forgot about this hahaha, you all just got the song, you should get familiar with it." Song Xiaowen lowered her head and rolled her eyes while talking.

So many things!

In the morning, all the groups selected their team captains, and Ye Tian's group chose Lin Yu.

She has a good personality and is the oldest among the four. She was the team leader when she was in the company.

After thinking about it, everyone decided to give her the captain's position.

Lin Yu herself was a little surprised.

"Don't worry, I will take care of everyone!"

The little unhappiness just now dissipated, after all, Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue were not the ones who said those words.

At noon, most of the assistant guests chose to have dinner with the trainees in order to get more familiar with the trainees of their own group.

But Song Xiaowen couldn't bear it for a long time. After the recording was over, she left immediately and started yelling at the façade of her lounge.

"What, you little bastards, you still don't listen to me, you think you're really good at it!"

"If it wasn't for the cameras, I would have taught them a lesson!"

"I don't know what's wrong!"

Her little assistant next to her was shivering in a corner.

She had known for a long time that Song Xiaowen would lose her temper when she came back.

After all, if you stay in front of the camera for a long time, the outside of the camera will become extremely real.

"Sister Xiaowen, you want iced coffee." The little assistant listened to Song Xiaowen's abuse, and couldn't stand it.

After all, she is also Ye Tian's half-faced fan.Recently, I also fell into the pit of Ye Tian's dance.

What kind of experience is it that her boss insults her idol in front of her, and she has experienced it now.

That is really a rebuttal, and I dare not refute, I can only face a few words of scolding in my heart.

After all, it is necessary to have a meal.

"How do you want me to drink it so cold?" Song Xiaowen stretched out her hand to take the coffee, before she could get it completely, she threw the coffee to the ground.

"Aren't you brainless? Ah, do you want me to teach you how to buy coffee? Do you want me to teach you how to go to the bathroom?"

The little assistant muttered inwardly, buying you coffee is not going to the bathroom...

But she dared not say that.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll buy you another cup right away." The little assistant bowed and apologized, and Song Xiaowen glanced at her.

"Don't go soon? By the way, buy me some food. The food I want to eat has been sent to your phone!"

After the little assistant heard it, she ran out immediately. After she ran out, her stomach was still growling, and she hadn't eaten yet.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, woo woo, where did everyone's recommendation tickets go?

(End of this chapter)

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