Chapter 231 Poor

Ye Tian and the others bumped into this little assistant when they went out after eating.

With tears in her eyes, she wiped the tears off her face as she walked, and bumped into Ye Tian without seeing the person in front of her.

"Sorry, sorry." She subconsciously apologized.

Ye Tian also smiled: "It's okay, it's okay."

Hearing the sound, the little assistant raised his head in surprise.

"Ye Tian?"

"Huh?" The person in front of me is not a staff member of the program group.

I have been in the program group for such a long time, and the staff are quite familiar with it, but this one is very strange.

"Hello, hello, I'm Song Xiaowen, sister Xiaowen's assistant." She was a little excited when she saw Ye Tian, ​​but when she thought of what Song Xiaowen said in the lounge just now, she suddenly felt lost again.

What if she could become Ye Tian's assistant?

Chasing stars at public expense!

And they Tiantian will definitely be the best bosses in the world!

This is definitely not a fan filter, absolutely not!

It can be seen from the show that Ye Tian treats the people around her really well.

In the second period, they took Wang Qing to practice in the middle of the night, and there was Wang Zai milk given to Wang Qing by Ye Tian in the tidbits.

And all kinds of things.

Sweet, it really lives up to its name!Her character and what she does really make people feel sweet in their hearts.

"Hello, why are you in such a hurry at this time?" Bu Ling, who was next to her, heard that she was Teacher Song Xiaowen's assistant, and thought she could care about her.

"Sister Xiaowen wants to eat takeaway and coffee, I'll go buy her now." But at this moment, her own stomach growled.

She shyly covered her stomach, and smiled awkwardly: "Well, let's not talk, I have to go out quickly, or sister Xiaowen should register!" She was about to run outside as she said that.

Ye Tian grabbed her and stuffed the Wangzai milk and a small bread she just took into her hands.

The small bread is made of five grains, it is not delicious, but you will not gain weight if you eat it, it is specially provided by the program group.

"Eat bread before drinking milk. Drinking milk on an empty stomach is not good for your stomach." After Ye Tian finished speaking, she waved her hand.

As the little assistant walked out quickly, he unwrapped the bread and cried as he ate it.

Crying and crying, a smile appeared on his face again.

After eating the bread, she went to pack takeout for Song Xiaowen and ran to buy coffee. At the same time, she also decided in her heart, this ghost, the old lady can't stand it!
Do what you love, don't you just work?If it's gone, I can find it again!

She went back with her things and put them in front of Song Xiaowen's table. At this moment, Song Xiaowen put her legs on the table.

Seeing her come back: "So slow?"

"Come and beat my leg."

"Sitting on the ground all day today, this program group is really unkind." She lay comfortably on the sofa, and the little assistant lifted the things in front of her and put them away.

Hearing her words, the little assistant immediately became angry: "I'm sorry, Sister Song, I want to resign!"

Song Xiaowen turned her head away with a look of surprise.

"What did you say?"

"I said I resigned. From now on, I'm not your employee. You can tell whoever you like to do those things. Anyway, I won't do it!" After finishing speaking, she opened the door directly.

Before leaving, she also said: "I am an assistant, not a servant for you."

"You don't want a salary anymore?"

"Do you like hair or not!"

After speaking, she went straight out and closed the door.

Song Xiaowen inside scolded, and the little assistant outside felt refreshed.

But after being refreshed, she became anxious again.

Ye Tian was going downstairs to go to the restaurant to get some fruit, but she didn't expect to see the little assistant standing at the door of Song Xiaowen.

"Didn't you go shopping for Teacher Song? Why are you still standing at the door?"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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