Chapter 273 Shooting Variety Shows
"Wang Qing!!!!" As Wang Qing was the only remaining seed player from Apple, her manager naturally gave her a lot of attention.

Yesterday, Wang Qing made a hot search by herself. The manager was very happy at first, but after clicking on the hot search, her expression froze in an instant.

What is this all about?
How much did you eat?

There are no less than [-] photos, each of which eats something different! ! ! !

What are you doing, are you going to rebel?

The manager was so angry that he roared immediately after Wang Qing sent him the first message.

Wang Qing immediately turned off the sound of the phone, and after letting the news play, she directly gave a reply to the manager.

Wang Qing: I was wrong.

As for what the broker said?It doesn't matter at all, as long as you admit your mistakes sincerely.

Ye Tian, ​​who was next to her, patted her on the shoulder: "Your manager told you not to eat food again?"

"I still remember what Wang Qing's manager said when we were shooting the commercial for the first time." Other people also said.

"It's even more irritable than my manager, it's too difficult!" Others expressed their understanding.

They are still trainees now, and the attitude of the managers in the company towards them is actually not much better.

Only when it's time to really debut, the manager may be better.

"This variety show is going to other places by plane." The bus they took drove to the airport.

The destination this time is a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, an outdoor variety show.

It was Qi Ye and An Yunle who brought them along.

"I've seen this variety show before, and it's the champion of ratings every time it airs!" The trainees are more yearning for the variety show.

This variety show, with some deciphering elements, has a complete plot line, and of course there will be groups.

The guests will become players and become people in the plot.

Each show will have a winner or a team of winners, and the type and theme of each show are different.

Ye Tian and the others went to a small village this time, and everyone was guessing what kind of plot, or what kind of activities were waiting for them.

When we arrived at the airport, the program team released the itinerary of the trainees, so it was no surprise that someone picked them up outside.

The ten trainees plus Qi Ye, An Yunle and the other two entered the VIP waiting room after a short stay outside.

After boarding the plane, everyone lay down in their positions, closed their eyes, and began to rest.

The domestic flight stopped shortly after the flight, and the group boarded the bus again and arrived at the hotel arranged by the program team.

One person has a single room, and after twelve people packed up, they met with the resident guests of the program group.

There are only four permanent guests in this program group, two men and two women. After seeing twelve of them, all four of them laughed: "This may be the time when we have the largest number of guests on the program!"

The director of this show is also here, let everyone sit down, and tell everyone how the variety show will be recorded the next day.

"Because of the large number of people, we will divide into groups. Tomorrow's game will be a real werewolf."

"It doesn't matter what kind of group is drawn, and the specific link is already on the piece of paper in front of you."

This piece of paper is also called a playbook, but there is only a specific process on it, and the guests still have to adapt to the situation after that.

Ye Tian looked at the specific rules and found them very interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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