Chapter 274

This werewolf killer, at the beginning of the day, everyone had to look for treasures, save their lives or have a reminder of who the werewolf was.

In the evening, several rounds of games will be arranged. Everyone is in the hotel. Werewolves can go out to kill people. Similarly, other professions can save people. After it is late, everyone votes to kill the werewolves they think.

In the end, there will be a winner on the werewolf or civilian side.

Ye Tian likes this game, it's brain-burning and stimulating, and the program team didn't give a prescribed script, that is to say, everyone's identities are randomized on the second day.

"Director, are we going to do something so difficult again? I'm not smart enough!" One of the resident guests was very upset.

She doesn't like this kind of brain game very much, it's too difficult.

Every time, the audience would ridicule her as an idiot.

The trainees are eager to try, sixteen people are playing werewolf together?This is too exciting.

"It doesn't matter, your lack of IQ is also something to watch." The director was very ruthless, and said directly to the guest.

"It hurts, old man!"

"The specific rules of the game have been written down on paper. If you don't understand anything, you can continue to ask." He said, looking at the trainees.

They are all newcomers, but no matter how you say it is a talent show, that is, they came out of variety shows, and they should be more clear about the shooting of variety shows.

The trainees didn't ask any more questions, but Wang Qing was more puzzled: "Director, are we going to shoot for a whole day?"


"Then what about eating?" Wang Qing asked a fatal question.

Several resident guests of the program group looked at her, and then couldn't help laughing.


"Little sister, let me tell you, there is still time for you to leave, because this program group often doesn't care about food."

"Our program team doesn't even eat, we're hungry." Several people thought Wang Qing was cute and teased her.

Wang Qing was stunned.

Is this the punishment for eating too much yesterday?

Ye Tian also lowered her head and smiled.

In the previous life, they did not participate in this variety show, but another indoor variety show.

However, she has also come into contact with these people later, and they can be regarded as seniors in the circle, with good personalities.

"When you set off, the program team will give you some money, and then you can find a place to eat by yourself." The director said this with a smile.

But Ye Tian always felt that this smile was full of calculations, and everyone would have a hard time tomorrow.

"That's good, that's good." Wang Qing nodded.

The resident guests of the program group looked like you were too happy too early.

"According to my experience for so many periods..."

"After you get the money, that money will disappear because of various things."

"The matter of lunch, I still have to solve it myself."

"And there are actors here, you know? If there are no passers-by, no one will lend you money."

Because everyone is just discussing now, so people around are all actors, so you can say it openly.

How is it possible to really want so many viewers?
The important characters and people are just actors hired by the program team in advance.


The trainees also looked at each other, did not expect society to be so dangerous?

"Don't scare the children, okay? Our program group is not that poor!" The director gave a few people a look and explained to the trainees.

But the trainees are very worried.

The next day, many people had dark circles under their eyes, and fans had to apply more.

"Come on, come on, get ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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