Chapter 304 Who Arrived First?

"Is he still there?" Ye Ming asked Ye Tian to get into the car first, and the family asked the driver to drive over in a big car, which happened to fit a family of five.

"Still." Ye Tiandian nodded.

"Then let's call An Yunle along." They're all a family, eating together, Qi Ye, just incidentally.

"That's right, Xiao Le has taken a lot of nice photos of Tian Tian and posted them in the group. He should indeed be treated to a meal!"

In a special family group in An's family, the joy of An Qinyuan opening this group every day is to see her daughter's photos and latest videos.

"Ah?" Ye Tian sent a message to Qi Ye while listening to her mother's words.

What picture?
"What kind of photo did An Yunle take of me?" Why didn't she know?
Is there any group in the family without her?
Thinking about it, Ye Tian flipped through the family groups she joined.

It's all silent, everyone in the family is very busy, it's impossible to send any messy news in the family group every day.

However, the group my mother added seems to be different from mine.

"Mom, what group do you have? Why don't I have one!"

Ye Tian held the phone with question marks all over her face.

An Qinyuan was stunned when she heard this, and instead of answering, she said, "Tiantian should be called Brother Lele."


"There is no group. Mom made a mistake. He just asked him to post pictures in the group!"

What group?Of course, it is the group that sucks Ye Tian, ​​which contains all kinds of cute photos and videos of Ye Tian since she was a child.They are all treasures of the An family and the Ye family.

It is impossible for Ye Tian's husband to be invited into the group in the future!

How can this kind of group let the righteous master in?
"Really?" Ye Tian's face was full of doubts, and she always felt that something was wrong, but she didn't delve into it.

"Where are we going to eat? I'll send them the location!" An Yunle and Qi Ye have their own cars, so just send them the address.

"That seafood restaurant in our family." The last time I watched the tidbits posted by the program team, a group of girls were very happy eating seafood.

This time Ye Tian made her debut successfully, and after the family discussed it, the whole family went to eat seafood.

"Yes." Ye Tiandian nodded, and sent the address to Qi Ye and An Yunle.

The mentors of the program group originally planned to have a breakup meal together, after all, they have been together for three months.

During these three months, we have also become friends.

Qi Ye, who was originally a bit 'otherworldly' in the eyes of other instructors, has also become much more vivid.

"Why has Teacher Qi been looking at the phone all the time? Are you waiting for some news?" When entering the program group on the first day, no one dared to joke with Qi Ye.

But later, everyone discovered that Qi Ye usually doesn't like to talk nonsense, but he is a very easy-going person.

"Well, I'm waiting for news." The rare Qi Ye had a smile on his face and seemed to be in a good mood.

When Zhao Wu, who was next to him, wanted to ask everyone where to eat at night, the phones of Qi Ye and An Yunle rang back and forth.

Qi Yeben was holding the phone, and after looking at it, he said to the others: "Sorry, I have to have dinner with my family tonight."

After Qi Ye finished speaking, An Yunle raised his head and looked him up and down.Qi Ye looked over with doubts in his eyes.

"I want to go home for dinner too!" An Yunle said.

The other instructors didn't say anything. After all, An Yunle and Qi Ye's homes are in Yancheng, so they should go home for dinner.

"That's fine, it's the same for the three of us to go out to eat." Zhao Wu just finished speaking when he saw two people walking out quickly.

It's like competing with someone who can walk faster.

Qi Ye was walking normally, but seeing An Yunle quicken his pace, he also walked faster.

Do you want to be there first?

(End of this chapter)

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