Chapter 305 Don't You Like It?
An Yunle watched Qi Ye quicken his pace, and he also quickened his pace.

The staff in charge of the finishing work who bumped into the two wanted to say hello when they saw the two.

But before the words came out, the two hurried away.

This... Are the two teachers walking in a race?
Qi Ye sat in his car, plugged in the key and stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove out of the garage.

An Yunle followed closely behind, but he didn't expect that Qi Ye was just a few seconds faster, and he was able to pass the green light every time, but he got stuck at the red light several times.

After the first time, Qi Ye's headlights were no longer visible, and after the second time, An Yunle just gave up.

What the hell is this all about?When a person is unlucky, will the traffic lights bully him?
An Yunle got angry all the way to the hotel, and when he saw Qi Ye's car parked beside him, he almost stepped on the accelerator and bumped into it.

No, no, calm down, the one who bumps into and hurts is yourself.



An Yunle drove the car behind Qi Ye's car and blocked his way out.

You can come first, but I must be the one who will go first!
Thinking of it this way, his mood brightened immediately, humming a little tune, and walked to the box Ye Tian said.

Ye Tian likes to eat shrimps, but she doesn't like to peel them, so she usually doesn't eat them.

The family only thought that Ye Tian ate too much when she was a child, and she didn't like it when she grew up, so they didn't think much about it.

Only Qi Ye knew that they didn't like to eat there!
I just don't want to give up a deep forest for a tree!
It is inconvenient to peel shrimp with gloves on. If you don't wear gloves, your hands will be dirty, and it is inconvenient to eat other things while eating shrimp.

In this case, for a shrimp, give up a piece of delicious food?
No, no, Ye Tian would never choose that way, so she chose not to eat shrimp.

Seafood is always inseparable from shrimp.

When An Yunle arrived, Qi Ye had already called people and sat beside Ye Tian.

"Little aunt, little uncle." An Qinyuan is the youngest daughter of the An family's previous generation.

"Yun Le is here, come and sit down, I remember you liked to eat crabs when you were young, so I ordered one for you."

Neither the An family nor the Ye family are the kind of people who pay special attention to what they eat.

Regardless of whether it is a king crab or a hairy crab, if it looks like a crab, it is called a crab.

Anyway, the best things are served on their dinner table, so it doesn't make any sense to memorize their names.

"Okay, okay." An Yunle sat beside An Qinyuan, facing Qi Ye.

"Teacher Qi is so lucky today!" He gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

"It's your bad luck." Qi Ye had already started peeling the shrimp.

Although it is said to eat seafood, there are still some freshwater shrimps. After all, Ye Ming likes to eat them.

If not, there must be.

This kind of shrimp is delicious only after peeling off the black line in the middle, and then dipping it in the hotel's secret juice.

After Qi Ye was done, he threw it into the small bowl next to Ye Tian. After Ye Tian rolled the shrimp in it, he put it between Qi Ye's mouth.

Qi Ye opened his mouth to eat, and Ye Ming next to him coughed.

What are you doing!
What are you doing!
When the people around you don't exist?
"Brother wants to eat too?" Ye Tian was about to put the second one in her mouth, when she heard Ye Ming's cough, she was stunned and asked.

"You eat, you eat, I remember you don't like shrimp?"

"No, I just don't want to peel." This sentence was said with confidence, and Qi Ye beside him smiled helplessly.

"But now Qi Ye will help me peel it off!" She smiled brightly, and Ye Ming, who was next to her, felt sour.

(End of this chapter)

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