Chapter 306 Do you still remember that variety show?

All right, peel your own prawns yourself.

An Qinyuan and Ye Lan beside them didn't say anything after watching it.

The family ate very harmoniously, even An Yunle didn't quarrel with Qi Ye during the meal.

"Tomorrow, the previously recorded variety show will start broadcasting." After eating, Qi Ye said to Ye Tian.

During this time, Ye Tian and Qi Ye were busy, and they almost forgot about this matter.

But now that it was mentioned, Ye Tian bit her lip.


"Variety show? The one you guys went to shoot before? What is it called?"

"Our game? Is it called this?"

When Ye Tian and others went to participate, this program group had sent out promotions.

An Qinyuan surfs in Ye Tian's fan circle every day, and knows all the news about Ye Tian like the back of her hand.

"Yes, it's called this!"

"We were playing werewolf, do you want me to give you a spoiler, little aunt?" An Yunle's face was full of excitement.

Qi Ye's complexion was not very good, it seemed that one of them was always unhappy.

"No, no, I'll watch it with my sisters tomorrow." The sisters An Qinyuan was talking about were naturally Ye Tian's mother fans on Ye Tian's website.

Ye Tian's mother has a lot of fans, and An Qinyuan naturally likes to communicate with this group of people.

We are all mothers, and we all think about the same thing.

Ye Tian has a dedicated mother fan group, most of the fans in it are older and have a lot of common topics.


"That's right, a group of sisters I met online, come here, let me show you." An Qinyuan put the mobile phone anti-theft in front of Ye Tian.

The chat group with red eyes at the top is one.

Concentration Camp for Ye Tian Ma Fan


Ye Tiandian went in, chatting happily inside, and at this time, all the chats were related to Ye Tian.

After all, Ye Tian has just debuted, and the fans are very happy.

"How about it?"

An Qinyuan smiled and watched beside Ye Tian.

"Strong! I didn't expect my mother to break into our fans!" Ye Tian said with a smile. She just casually read a few fans' news, and she felt very warm in her heart.

"They all want you to post a selfie. You didn't have a mobile phone in the program group before, but now you have a mobile phone. It's time to send a message with red eyes!"

It was only then that Ye Tian remembered that her red-eyed nickname hadn't been changed yet.

At the moment on the Internet, the fans of the six-pointed star members who debuted are having a carnival. Although the fans of other people are unwilling, the ending is already like this.

During this period of time, his own idol also has a lot of fans. He has performed well and will definitely be liked in the future.

After Ye Tian went online and changed her nickname to Hexagram-Ye Tian, ​​she began to edit the news.

The other five people had already sent messages, but there was still no movement from Ye Tian's side.

Fans are waiting.

[Six-pointed star-Ye Tian V: debut, thank you for your support all the time, let’s work hard together~[Picture]X9]

Ye Tian directly released nine pictures of herself, of course they were all from the past.

Fans were instantly satisfied when they saw the photos.

At the same time, our official game blog also released a trailer at this time.

[Our game V: What broke the friendly alliance?Is the heart always wrong?What kind of unknown identity does Ye Tian have?Tomorrow at [-] o'clock in the evening, it will be announced for you on time! [video]】

In the trailer, some conflicting parts are edited, but they are not spoilers.

Fans watching this preview are scratching their heads.

While recording, what exactly happened?
(End of this chapter)

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