Chapter 334 Damn!

[First, this is the staff of Starlight Entertainment, right?Every live room is rewarded! 】

[The second big guy on Tiantian's side looks familiar! 】

The moment the reward appeared, Ye Ming gave Ye Tian a reward, but after he finished the reward, he found that the account he was using was not right.

As the boss of Starlight Entertainment, it seems unreasonable to only reward Ye Tian, ​​after all, Hexagram is now a brand under Starlight Entertainment.

So he cut it out and gave a wave of rewards to others.

Anyway, this platform is our own, so it's not a loss.

However, at this moment, he originally occupied the first place in Ye Tian's fan list, but after switching back, he instantly became tenth.


The first one is a man who is not very serious at first glance.

Sweet is mine?
Have you asked Tiantian for her brother's opinion?

Ye Ming immediately changed his account, and after recharging, he immediately surpassed No.1 in tipping.

Naturally, Ye Yu was also watching the live broadcast, using the number of the knight station, and seeing that he was actually only the third, he was not very lucky.

What are the first and second?
One is Tiantian's favorite brother, and the other is Tiantian is mine?

Where do you put him?
[The three bosses on Ye Tian's side started fighting! 】

[Lie flat, lie flat, I thought that I would definitely get the first place if I donated a hundred 1314, but I didn't expect that I was too naive! 】

The three of them worked hard, but Ye Tian didn't pay attention to it.

Because they don't use mobile phones to broadcast live, and they can't watch the content of the live broadcast room anytime, anywhere while shopping in the supermarket.

The four of them went out to buy groceries, but when they arrived in the supermarket, they were dumbfounded.

None of them are regular grocery shoppers.

There are several varieties of just a simple-looking eggplant.

Not to mention other dishes.

Even the ingredients like onion, ginger and garlic are different.

"Which one should I buy?" Ye Tian was in charge of purchasing the ingredients.

But standing here, she was really a little confused.

The green peppers seem to be all about the same length, but each one has a different name, big and small, and they are all lined up.

【23333, isn't this me who entered the vegetable market?Every time I am confused, why do horses have so many varieties? 】

Although Qi Ye was breaking heads with the other two, he still had the heart to watch the live broadcast.

Seeing Ye Tian standing in front of a row of green peppers, she naturally knew that she had made a mistake.

According to Ye Tian's personality, he must have bought them all back and made some uncomfortable things.

Qi Ye can still think of the scene of Ye Tian cooking for the first time.

Ye Tian took out her phone, thinking that her fans should have something to say.

"What do you think I should buy?" Live broadcast, interaction with fans is also the key.

【what are you going to do? 】

[Hahahaha, tell us what you cook first! 】

"Xuexue caught fish, so she wants to buy peppers and go back to make fish."

【? ? ? ? 】

【? ? ? ? 】

【Chopped pepper fish head? 】

[Shouldn't you buy green peppers for fish? 】

"There are other dishes, I haven't thought about it yet, and I have to make one with the dry pot rabbit."

[Sweetness is mine: buy the one in the middle, counting from right to left, the fifth one. 】

Because of spending more money, Qi Ye has become a sssvip.

The advantage is that if you send a barrage, it will dominate the screen, and it looks very big
[Boss. 】

[I just wanted to say, but the barrage of the boss is too big. 】

[Wooooow, so this is the power of money? 】

Seeing the barrage, Ye Tian raised the corners of her mouth slightly.


The corners of Qi Ye's mouth also curled up, and the other two were furious when they saw this scene.

Ahhh, this person is so vicious!
Can't make money on the list, did you change the method?

 To be honest, I am often troubled by this. There are many kinds of green peppers on the market, three or four kinds of bean sprouts, and even garlic. This is really too difficult for a novice.

(End of this chapter)

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