Chapter 335
Ye Tian didn't know Qi Ye's alias, not only because the message was relatively big, but also because other people also posted the same message.

Her fans probably wouldn't lie to her.

And besides gaining such benefits, Ye Tian had to ask about everything she bought.

The fans got a great sense of satisfaction and participation, and felt like they were shopping with their idols in the market.

Of course, Qi Ye's account was firmly remembered by fans because of being too beautiful.

[Is my account a mother fan?You can tell at a glance that they often do housework, it's too strong! 】

After Qi Ye saw it, he replied in his heart: It's not my mother's fan, it's my boyfriend.

[Ye Tian's mother fans are too rich, woo woo, that knight's mother is also a fan, woo woo, too rich. 】

[Is the other brother a fan?Also very strong! 】

[This directly breaks the platform record, right? 】

[Ye Tian fans, so scary]

The battle of the three also aroused the enthusiasm of some other fans.

You can't be in the top three, but you can join in the fun.The traffic in Ye Tian's live broadcast room has risen to a terrifying level. In addition, Ye Tian has been interacting with fans all the time. Fans are very happy, and naturally there are many rewards.

This matter was immediately publicized.

[Entertainment circle gossip v: We don't understand the world of local tyrants, Ye Tian gave a reward in the live broadcast room, what do you think? [picture]】

In this one, the names of three people were followed, followed by the amount.

It directly broke through one million, and it continues to grow.

This is a very scary number, and it is only the top three.

It's not scary for a celebrity to earn several million in one live broadcast, and it's not like it hasn't happened before.

But now, this is only the top three!

【Ye Tian's fans are crazy? 】

[This is a battle between fans, we don't understand. 】

[Hahaha, these three people are definitely fighting, and they are all going to be the first on Ye Tian's list to attract attention, but Miss 'It's me', Yiqi Juechen, taught Ye Tian to buy vegetables, and was remembered by Ye Tian The other two bosses were completely defeated! 】

[Hahahahaha.The other two bosses: Just wait for me, I will learn to cook right away! 】

[Ye Tian fans: We will also learn to cook right away! 】

This news and soon became the trending search.

We do not understand the world of local tyrants

The title is attractive enough that everyone sees it as soon as they enter, and then sees the number.

Some people just don't want to wake up.

[This can't be Ye Tian's marketing, right?Is anyone really willing to spend that much money? 】

[This is by no means marketing, even if the big boss is on the hook, no one will be convinced. 】

[Let's not talk about marketing, the turnover in Ye Tian's live broadcast room has already exceeded tens of millions, and Starlight Entertainment can't do it. 】

[With this money, wouldn't it be nice to invest in a TV series?Use it for marketing? 】

Many people were surprised, and some people wanted to see what kind of live broadcast this was.

Once you get in, you can't get out.

Because of Ye Tian's question, who can refuse?
[I learned a lot from this live broadcast today. 】

[I'm bloated, I'm going to the supermarket to buy vegetables tomorrow! 】

"I want to make braised pork, what kind of meat should I buy?" Ye Tian has already purchased all the ingredients and has a new task of selling meat.

A pig whose meat was given various names.

"Aren't they all pork? Why is the name so weird?"

As a newcomer in the kitchen, Ye Tian was puzzled.

At this time, Ye Ming felt that he had a chance to perform.

He just made up his lessons!

 The reason why I haven't bought meat so far is because I don't know how to make that part of the meat...

(End of this chapter)

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