Chapter 337 Guess Who
"I saw everyone's likes, so don't give any more rewards."

"Thank you very much, thank you very much."

While talking, Ye Tian started to contact the staff to turn off the tipping function in her live broadcast room.

Can't let these three people fight.

The eldest brother is not short of money, the second brother is not short of money, and Qi Ye is not short of money either.

Even tens of millions or hundreds of millions are not without it.

But that would be terrible!

If there is a rush, it will be bad for each other to know who the other is.

Ye Tian felt that as a caring little padded jacket, she should stop this matter immediately.

The staff also felt that something was wrong, so they directly turned off Ye Tian's tipping.

If the online rhythm is brought up, the impact on Ye Tian will not be too good.

Seemingly noticing Ye Tian's dissatisfaction, the three of them stopped immediately when the tipping was not closed.

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

The three of them also realized that they seemed a little reckless, and Tiantian was not very happy after watching it.

As the only person whose account identity was revealed to Ye Tian before, Ye Yu felt a little depressed at the moment.

Ye Ming and Qi Ye were a little lucky, Ye Tian didn't know they were the two of them.

"Scared me!"

Ye Tian turned off the phone and whispered, a lot of laughter appeared on the screen.

[If I were to say it, I would be a little scared, the bosses are too enthusiastic, although I know they are all rich loli, but that 'brother' is very suspicious! 】

[Fu loli?Is the knight and mine rich loli? 】

[Yes, it feels like this. The knight usually speaks very softly. Everyone knows that she is a rich loli, and her gender is female. 】

Qi Ye didn't pay attention to the gender of his trumpet, but after calming down, he felt like a fool for doing those things just now.

Isn't it good to give Tiantian a red envelope with that money?

The three of them thought of this almost at the same time, and wanted to disassociate themselves from this account immediately.

Qi Ye looked at the people on the bullet screen and analyzed that he was a rich loli, and he didn't have much fluctuation in his heart, and he was relieved.

Rich loli is rich loli, as long as it's not Qi Ye.

But Ye Tian is already thinking about who this person is.

In fact, there is no need to think about it. There are not many rich people who can do this kind of thing, so they must know each other.

Then this account...

Ye Tian logged into her red eye incognito, and began to read messages from Qi Ye's account.

All of them were for Ye Tian's list, and some of them scolded black fans.

Ye Tian looked at it, her eyes became brighter and brighter, as if she had discovered some great little secret.

She used her own account to subscribe to this account quietly, but Qi Ye didn't know about it.

Looking at the discussion on him in the barrage, he felt that he could get rid of the suspicion. After all, Ye Tian knew that he should be on the plane now.

However, for some reason, the plane was delayed.

Ye Tian's fans had a great time, but Shi Fei's side was different.

When Shi Fei's fans saw Ye Tian's fiery situation, they gritted their teeth one by one.

Ye Tian's side is basically 1314, but they can't get any money now.

There are so few tips on Feifei's side!

Someone started shouting on the red eye.

[Everyone who is capable, let's give a reward in Feifei's live broadcast room! 】

[It's just a tip, isn't it worth a 1314 for what Feifei brought to everyone?Now Feifei's tipping list ranks the lowest, everyone work hard! 】

[I just borrowed some money, I must tip Feifei!Feifei only has us! 】

 I’ve written this so let’s talk about it. Borrowing money to chase stars or skipping meals to chase stars are naive behaviors. I’ve seen a lot of them. Every time I want to scold, but thinking about how others are doing has nothing to do with me. You mind your own business.

  But remind everyone that only you are the one who loves you the most in the world.Don't wrong yourself for others.

  Still the same sentence, do everything within your means, and any spiritual pleasure must be based on the premise of having enough food, don't starve yourself.

  I also don't want my readers to tell me that you ate a steamed bun today but gave me a reward, I won't be happy.What I hope is that you tell me that you had a big meal and feel good and give me a tip by the way.

  Well~ everyone remember to love yourself~
(End of this chapter)

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