Chapter 338 Shifei is number one!
[Is there no money on everyone's treasure?Have you run out of white bars?Today is Feifei's first live broadcast, let's not steam the steamed buns! 】

[Anyway, if you have money next month, it’s fine!If you don't rush now, your sister will really be crushed to death!I can't turn over for a lifetime. 】

[Everyone will not starve to death if they eat less than one meal a day, but Feifei's first live broadcast, if you miss it, you will really be gone! ! ! 】

Shi Fei saw some comments on her bullet screen, and saw that everyone said that Ye Tian's tipping had been maxed out.

But she has always tipped two or three kittens to 1314, and it takes a long time before there is one.

Of course, fans will not discuss the issue of less rewards in her live broadcast room in front of Shi Fei, but just interact with her.

But how could Shi Fei not want to?
"Well, I haven't had a good rest in the past few days, and I'm not used to being idle all of a sudden, and then I developed a stomach problem. Thank you for your concern." Shi Fei looked at the question on the barrage absently.

The fans heard that her voice was a little weak, and some people were persuading her.

【Feifei turn off the live broadcast and take a good rest. 】

[Feifei's face is a little pale, everyone, don't let her sing all the time, just chat! 】

The ward arranged by the company for Shi Fei was not bad. After all, she is a star and lived in a small private room.

【Feifei, don't be so miserable! 】

When Shi Fei saw the barrage telling her not to suffer too much, she felt uncomfortable, but she still had a smile on her face.

"After all, it's a group activity. How bad is it if I don't participate?"

[Starlight Entertainment is too oppressive, right?Feifei doesn't let it go when she's sick? 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow 】

【Feifei, I'll give you a reward! 】

After fans' appeals in Chaohua, Shi Fei's tipping instantly increased.

Because Ye Tian turned off the paid tipping function, fans could only send free gifts, so no one mentioned tipping in the barrage.

On Red Eye, someone discovered Shi Fei's data.

[The rewards from Shi Fei's side suddenly rose! 】

[They crowdfunded? 】

[No, does reward still need crowdfunding? 】

[Maybe...? 】

Everyone didn't care, Ye Tian has now closed the rewarding channel, it doesn't matter how high the rewards are from the other members of the group, it's simply not more than the three big bosses on their side.

But Shi Fei's fans were very happy, because Ye Tian's list was closed, and the fans of several other people also tipped before, and there were not too many tips at this point in time.

Therefore, Shi Fei's tipping ranking suddenly rushed to the top of the six people.

[Wooooow, we gave her the first place! 】

[Everyone is awesome! 】

【This is our glory! 】

Shi Fei's fans were moved and told Shi Fei on the screen that they were number one on the list!
Shi Fei was overjoyed, and all of a sudden she became more energetic.

"My doctor is coming to change my medicine, so I'll turn off the live broadcast!" Satisfied, Shi Fei's face was full of smiles.

Fans saw that her hand was still infused with fluid, and told her to take a good rest.

Shi Fei happily turned off the live broadcast, and opened her red eyes. What she wanted to see was the news that she had best rewarded Ye Tian.

But unexpectedly, she saw something else, and her eyes immediately turned red.

What is this all about?

(End of this chapter)

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