Chapter 340 Fishhook gone?

[Fish: I heard that someone thinks I'm not here? 】

[Hahahaha, instant slap in the face! 】

【Could it be that the fish in this pond have become fine?Can you hear this? 】

[My God, I laughed so hard, Shu Ruxue is not funny, is her fans bottoming out? 】

[What fairy fans, are you entertaining yourself?After all, after Shu Ruxue sat down, she didn't speak. 】

[If her eyeballs hadn't been moving all the time, I would have wondered if she was asleep?How can you sit still? 】

[Do not chat with us, woo woo woo. 】

Shu Ruxue heard from others that fishing is a test of patience, and sometimes it takes a long time to sit.

She thinks her patience is good, sitting for an hour, although there is no fish, she can wait.

After Wang Qing and Ye Tian came back, they ran over to see Shu Ruxue's results.

As a result, I walked in and saw that the bucket was empty.

"Xuexue, why haven't you caught a single fish yet?" The staff had said before that there were fish in the pond.


Ye Tian walked to the front and moved Shu Ruxue's fishing rod.

"Did you not put the bait?" How could there be no movement for an hour?

Fishing, Ye Tian has tried it before, and it will soon be there!
[The bait was put, this is actually my point of doubt, logically speaking, it should not be, the fish just now also proved that there are indeed fish in this pond. 】

[What if there is only one? 】

[What are you talking about in your sleep upstairs? 】

"Bring it up and take a look?" Shu Ruxue looked at Ye Tian's doubts, but didn't say much.

After lifting the fishing rod, the people in front of the screen were silent.



[Where is the hook? 】

[Where is the hook?Didn't you get it up just now? 】

"Not hooked?"

"It's done." Shu Ruxue also had a look of shock on her face.

She does everything right!

【Shock? 】

【Welcome to this issue of Approaching the Disappearing Fishhook of Science】

[Where is the hook? 】

[After fishing for an hour, there is no hook, even better than Jiang Taigong]

【Jiang Taigong is still willing to take the bait at least, you don't even have the bait! 】

All of a sudden, Shu Ruxue's live broadcast room was filled with joy.

Ye Yu outside the screen looked at Shu Ruxue who was standing there in a daze, and felt that this little girl was a little silly?
At first, looking at her serious look, I thought she was a more reliable person in this group, but now I see...

[The hook is not made too strong. 】

[The boss said the hook is not strong! 】

Because the font is also enlarged, many people can see it instantly.

After all, it was a live broadcast. In order to increase the fun, the program team asked Shu Ruxue to assemble a fishing rod by herself.

As a result, the hook was not tied properly and was bitten by the fish and fell.

"Xuexue, Xuexue, the barrage said it was because the fishhook was not tied properly!"

In today's society, most of the people who like fishing are those uncles, but it is the young people who watch the live broadcast.

How many young people today like to go fishing to feed mosquitoes?
Haven't tried it and naturally don't know why.

But Ye Yu's hobby is fishing, after all, it's a good sport for him.

"Make another one!" The three felt that the barrage was right.

They are all fans, so they won't be harmed!

Shu Ruxue was a little embarrassed, and said to the camera: "Thank you."

When she said that, the tips of her ears were a little red, and with a slight smile on her face, Ye Yu felt that the tips of her ears also turned a little red.

 When I was young, I went fishing with my grandpa. It was really fun to feed the mosquitoes, but it was all small things like loaches that were hooked up, and there were never big fish.

(End of this chapter)

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