Chapter 341 Ice and fire cute?
Ye Yu shook his head, thinking that it must be a little hot, but the temperature of the air conditioner in the office was turned on too high, so he didn't think much about it.

After Shu Ruxue finished thanking, she and Ye Tian Wang Qing started to tie the fishhook together.

"It's a very simple question. If you haven't tried it, you don't know why." Shu Ruxue finally said this sentence.


【you're right】

【you're right】

【Hahaha, so cute, but it does make sense. Just now I saw that there was no fishhook, which scared my sisters to death. 】

【Could they have thought of something weird?For example, there are monsters in the water? 】

[Don't talk about them, that's what I thought the first time!But after thinking about it, which fishing line is plastic and thick, and if you don't handle it carefully, it will be easily torn off. After all, fish have great strength in the water. 】

"I thought the fish inside had teeth that could bite through the fishing line!" Wang Qing said while helping.

Shu Ruxue also nodded, and the netizens burst into laughter.

"I'll continue fishing, you guys go cook!"

"Okay, okay, remember to bring it up to take a look from time to time." Wang Qing waved to Shu Ruxue.

The camera also followed Ye Tian and Wang Qing away.

Ye Yu looked at his younger sister and suddenly felt that something was missing.

Then, after thinking about it, he clicked on Shu Ruxue's live fishing room.

Well, this girl is too stupid, what should I do if any problems arise later?
For the sake of her being Tiantian's friend, he can help keep an eye on her.

Ye Tian and Wang Qing returned to the kitchen, Xing Ranran and Wang Qing were discussing what to do.

These two people can be regarded as having a profound revolutionary friendship.

Xing Ranran and Wang Qing helped each other back then, resulting in a special improvement in the strength of both of them.

Now that they debuted together again, the relationship is naturally very good.

"How is it? Did you catch any fish?"

Xing Ranran's face was full of anticipation.

To tell the truth, she also wanted to try it.

Fishing, what an exciting activity!
But she knew she couldn't do it, and if she didn't catch it for a minute, she had to pick up the hook to have a look.

Can this be used for fishing?Not at all!
It's almost a joke.


Ye Tian laughed: "It just scared us."

Both Wang Qing and Xing Ranran had surprised expressions on their faces.

Can fishing scare people?

Ye Tian talked about what happened just now, and the two of them also laughed.

"If the two of you don't go there, will Xuexue sit there all afternoon?"

"According to Xuexue's character, it's not impossible!" Wang Qing added later.

The fans are naturally very happy to see that everyone's relationship is so good.

【Hahaha, does Shu Ruxue know when you say that? 】

[Shu Ruxue: My aloof image seems to have been severely damaged! 】

[I've always thought that Shu Ruxue is very cute, the cold and cold and Wang Qing are two different kinds of cute. 】

[If you say so, I suggest calling them two cute]

[This name sounds weird, let me think of a new one. 】

On the other side of Shu Ruxue's fans, there were naturally people who saw the barrage on Wang Qing's side.

Wang Qing's senses over there are also very good. Hearing someone's suggestion, he also began to think about it.

But after Ye Yu saw it, he didn't know why, and felt a little unhappy.

Team up with others?
Such a girl, with whom?Wang Qing?
Seems a bit impressed?

Goofy looking?

Not as smart as my sister, and not as... attractive as the girl in front of me?
(End of this chapter)

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