Chapter 350 Trumpet
With so many changes in this world, has the fate of their family changed?

Ye Tian thought about it, and unconsciously sighed.

Several people around turned their heads to look at her.

"What was Tiantian thinking just now?"

Ye Tian blinked, "I'm lamenting the infinity of the universe."


"I sigh how time flies. In the blink of an eye, we have been together for two months."

"That's right, I lost more than 20 catties in three months, I can't even imagine it." I sweat a lot every day and eat something nutritious and high in protein, but those things don't gain weight.


The five people raised their drinks and clinked glasses.

We chatted outside until midnight, because the director of the variety show said that we will start filming after Shi Fei comes back tomorrow.

In other words, tomorrow morning and morning will be their rest time.

After a few people separated, they returned to their room to rest.

Ye Tian was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, thinking of the day's events, her mouth slightly raised, she took out her phone, and clicked on her private follow.

This must be her Qi Xingxing's account!

And also became a big fan of her fandom?


Ye Tian looked at the trumpet curiously, starting from the first message.

Looking at it, the corners of her mouth involuntarily wanted to rise.

It seems that he is very active every day.

This is not only a big fan account with 30 fans, but also a pioneer among Ye Tian's fans.

However, because of some speeches and gender settings, there are females, so she is regarded as Ye Tian's mother fan.

What is this?Be a father and a mother?
Did classmate Qi Xingxing really regard her as his girlfriend?
Ye Tian began to think.

As he thought about it, his eyelids began to fight, and he finally closed his eyes.

Qi Ye didn't know that his small vest had fallen off. He had just got off the plane at this moment, and it was past twelve o'clock.

Take out your mobile phone and do what you have to do every day - sign in with Chaohua.

This check-in will show who is number one every day, Qi Ye has never been number one, and today is of course no exception.

On the way to pick up his car and drive to the hotel, he watched the news related to Ye Tian by the way.

Mate selection criteria?

After clicking in, I saw the message from Ye Tian, ​​and saw the interaction between Wang Qing and Ye Tian.

He replied a little.

[It's enough to have me, no takeaway is needed. 】

Ye Tian was already in a dazed sleep, and the reminder of special concern sounded at this time.

Holding the phone, he rubbed his eyes for a look, pursed his lips and smiled, put the phone on his chest, and picked it up again.

She replied silently in her heart: It's a deal.

When Fei returned to the small villa the next afternoon, her complexion looked much better than yesterday.

Wang Qing greeted her, and Shi Fei replied with a smile on her face that she was almost recovered.

Ye Tian looked at Shi Fei, Shi Fei looked better than yesterday, not at 01:30.

Yesterday's Shi Fei was filled with a kind of despair that I don't know how to describe, but now, she has regained her composure.

It's like owning something new.

In the afternoon, the shooting of the group show officially started.

In fact, there is nothing, just some daily routines in the team, which lasts for one month.

It is to let the fans witness the birth of the team's Chapter 1 album.

A month later, the album came out, but fans discovered a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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