Chapter 351 Lyric Problem
There are six song areas in total, but some people have very few lyrics.

【What happened to Wang Qing's lyrics? 】

[Is this serious?Wang Qing's ranking is higher than Shi Fei's, right?Why are there fewer lyrics than Shi Fei? 】

【Ye Tian has a lot of lyrics, but she is the number one, I can understand, but who can explain, why in the first song, Wang Qing has more lyrics than Shu Ruxue? 】

[That song is indeed more suitable for Wang Qing!Shu Ruxue has a lot of lyrics in other songs! 】

Every team seems to have an unavoidable problem, and that is the distribution of lyrics.

Fans can't wait to count every sentence, and absolutely don't allow their idols to suffer.

One word is missing, it's like the sky is about to fall.

【Based on the ranking, I have nothing to say, but adding up the lyrics of the six songs, some people's lyrics are not as good as those ranked lower, so you say? 】

After listening to the song, the fans immediately exploded.

For some people, this is not about idols at all, but about their own dignity!

How can my idol be suppressed on this matter.

So what if the relationship between idols is good?I just hate her!

Who let her snatch the lyrics that originally belonged to my sister.

The fans of several families, except Ye Tian's family, because nothing unfair happened at all, the other five families directly started a scuffle.

Wang Qing and Shu Ruxue were better. After all, they were familiar with each other before, and there were only some people who didn't know whether they were rhythmic or like this, and they stopped after a while.

Lesson, the other three are different. They directly tore up the hot search, and asked the program team to give an explanation under the message sent by the program team.

The six people in the six-pointed star didn't know anything about it.

They have been as busy as a spinning top this month, spinning non-stop.

What Ai Jia said before is not wrong at all. After finishing their trainee career, what they have to face is not a comfortable environment, but a more difficult challenge.

We are in contact every day, and we must also maintain a good spirit.

There are so many songs, the dance of each song, and then I have to spare time to do the small activities required by the group variety show.

Several people sleep very little every day during this period, very little.

Compared with the trainee period, it is even more difficult.

"Our new song album has been released, please forward the news, don't look at hot searches and fan comments, the company will deal with it." Ai Jia was in front of several people, telling them the team's next arrangement.

"After the album comes out, we will start preparing for a national tour!"

Starlight Girl brought huge traffic to the six of them.

At the same time, this tour also represents the beginning of the six-pointed star dream.

"Everyone rests for a week. After a week, the six of us will go to shoot a group cover of six people."

"After the cover shoot is finished, there will be an exclusive interview. I have some things here. You can take them back and read them. Don't mess up when you are interviewed."

After Ai Jia finished speaking, several people breathed a sigh of relief, and then became nervous again.


"Yes, there was this concept before. The tour in eight places across the country lasted for two months."

Ai Jia said simply.

The faces of several people were excited and nervous, but they all followed Ai Jia's instructions, turned on their mobile phones, and started forwarding.

But, let them not watch the trending searches?This is unlikely!
(End of this chapter)

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