Chapter 422 What are you looking at?

The fan yesterday knew that Qi Ye was at the scene, but he didn't shoot it, so he gave him the clip.

After all, Ye Tian's debut time is too short, and the material revealed is really too little.

This song is Ye Tian's first time standing on a formal stage, and the first song she sang personally, it is very commemorative for fans.

However, it cannot be fully shared.

There are many fans in Chaohua who enjoy watching the clips one after another.

"Look, everyone is saying that your performance is very good." Even in fragments, you can hear your strength. Ye Tian's strength looks like it is top in the whole circle.

In the beginning, when the photo was released, no one criticized Ye Tian's appearance. Later, some people said that it was the result of plastic surgery. The reason why there was such a strong counterattack was because everyone thought that face was so beautiful.

In other words, the vast majority of face dogs really like this face, if it is fake, it will really hurt their feelings.

You can say that Ye Tian is a flashy celebrity, you can say that she has no works, or you can say that I don’t like Ye Tian’s singing without conscience, but you must never say that she is ugly in public.

After all, human beings have basically the same ability to appreciate beauty, but the level of judging ugliness is indeed varied. If everyone thinks it is beautiful, it is definitely not bad, but if one person thinks it is ugly, others may not.

Ye Tian is good-looking, this is an undoubted fact, no one can use this point to black her.

Fans also know the public's recognition of Ye Tian's appearance, and there are no fewer photos of Ye Tian going out to Amway on weekdays. During this time, Ye Tian's fans have also been growing steadily.

In addition, she herself has not appeared in front of the public much during this period, so the comments are very harmonious.

"Look, it's all good speeches."

Ye Tiandian nodded, and put away the tablet contentedly.

But on the other side, fans saw that Ye Tian had been online for more than an hour, and they felt a little anxious.

[Is the baby going to send any news today?Why hasn't any news been sent out after being online for more than an hour? 】

There is a function of red eye, if you do not set the online invisible, then others can see when you are online.

After Ye Tian went online, fans were waiting to see what she would post today, but when Ye Tian went offline, they still didn't get anything.

[? ? ?What is she doing online? 】

[I also want to know if I went shopping in Chaohua. 】

[My sister has been online for more than an hour, she must have watched Chaohua, right? 】

[If you read it, are you happy Ye Tian?I know you're spying now! 】

[Idols, please don't spy on the lives of fans, please? 】

Generally, after celebrities become famous, they seldom log in to their accounts, because everyone knows that fans can see their logins.

Or when they want to shop for red eyes on weekdays, they will use their own trumpet to log in.

There are too many fans here on the big side, and countless people will pay attention to every move.

But Ye Tian doesn't know this setting very well. After all, most of her fans in her previous life were black people. Now, some time ago, she didn't have the opportunity to use her account to read the news for such a long time. Even if she logged in, most of them were black people. publicity.

That's why the fans grabbed her this time.

What is Ye Tian looking at?

This entry immediately became a hot search.

(End of this chapter)

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