Chapter 423 Tell them
The staff in charge of testing at Starlight Entertainment also immediately told Xu Ying about the hot search.

Xu Ying couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it, and immediately called Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian was unpacking with Qi Ye.

The things An Qinyuan bought must be of great value, and each one looks very exquisite, and every gift is very thoughtful, very suitable for Ye Tian and Qi Ye.

Just as Ye Tian was fascinated by the necklace An Qinyuan bought, a call came in.


"You just logged into Red Eye?" After Xu Ying finished speaking, Ye Tian was a little surprised.

"Yes, how do you know?"

"Don't you know there is a function called online time? Your fans were waiting for you to send a message more than an hour ago, but you went offline an hour later, and now you are on the hot search." Because Ye Tian just debuted , so there are really a lot of live fans in the fan group.

Little things can be trending. In fact, it's not intentional by fans. It's mainly because there are so many people. One person swipes it and it becomes trending.

After all, in normal times, if nothing major happens, it is not difficult to be on the hot search list.

"What's wrong?" Qi Ye also put down the gift in his hand and looked at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's face was full of helplessness, and she heard Xu Ying say to her, "Did you just browse Chaochao? Is there a selfie in your phone? Post a selfie, it's all on the hot search, don't make fans wait for nothing." field."

Xu Ying was also a little dumbfounded. This kind of thing can also be popular among Ye Tian's fans. It can only be said that Ye Tian really has a lot of fans.

After all, at this time of the weekend, many people are actually sleeping, and most people are active after noon.

Now at this point in time, fans' unintentional speeches can be used in hot searches, which shows that Ye Tian really has a lot of fans.

"Okay, I'll post it right away." Xu Ying told Ye Tian that she had just registered a small account for her, so that all the flowers that went online without sending messages in the future would use the small account.

After all, it’s very convenient for the trumpet to do anything, even if you accidentally like it when you read gossip, no one will find out that it’s you.

If you read gossip with a large size and like it, it will be very troublesome, because there are many celebrities who are hotly searched for this kind of thing every day.

"Brother Xu asked me to post a selfie. My account number is registered on my tablet. Fans who went online just now know."

Qi Ye was also a little dumbfounded, thinking that Ye Tian’s tablet would not be able to log into the large account, the two of them watched it for so long just now, but fortunately they didn’t go to gossip and like it, otherwise they really wouldn’t be able to explain it clearly .

"Why don't you send the pictures you just collected?"

"What is the trending search?"

The two of them turned on the tablet next to them again, logged into their accounts, and saw the trending searches.

"Send the photos we saved, and tell them I'm watching Chaohua?" Ye Tian thinks this method is okay. Anyway, she also thinks that the pictures drawn and taken by fans are really beautiful, so she collects them unconsciously. a lot.

But with so many, there is no way to fully save them.

She picked a few of her favourites, and took screenshots of the others.

[Six-pointed star-Ye Tian V: I just saw the pictures everyone drew and took, and I collected a lot of them without paying attention, you guys are awesome!super awesome! [Picture] x20】

(End of this chapter)

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