Chapter 465 Plan
Tonight, the previous mentors and assistant guests will come to the scene to watch their last tour, which is also the most important tour.

Fans on the Internet have already started calling for this event.

It doesn't matter if you don't go to the previous ones, but the last one is a live broadcast and a face-to-face meeting. If there is no one in our family during the live broadcast, others will think that your sister is confused.

During the live broadcast, how many fans can reach the scene is indeed related to the popularity of an idol.

The venue for this show is extraordinarily large, choosing a stadium that can accommodate 4 people, which is twice the number of people in the first tour.

After so many games, the program group still has the same rules.

You can bring your own fluorescent sticks, and you can also wear a headset, but you can’t bring the light board, the light board is too big, and it’s not particularly safe.

Fans also abide by this rule. After all, if there is no light board, it depends on which family has more people.

The more people, the more light sticks.

In the case of light signs, sometimes there are accidents. For example, one person carries a two-meter one, and ten others each have a [-]-centimeter one. It is not very fair to think about it.

For Shi Fei, she lost a lot of fans at first, but now after a month, die-hard fans think her sister is worth it because of her 'hard work', 'three outlooks' and a series of good qualities.

In addition, Shi Fei has now confirmed the news that Qi Ye will come.

The agent is also planning whether to release some photos taken before?

When Starlight Entertainment started, Shi Fei and her manager took some photos.

It was with Qi Ye.

At that time, there was no great opportunity, but now, Qi Ye is right below.

The other instructors are also there, just because of this it is easier to hype, the other teachers are all covering up!
Every time Qi Ye arrives, there are other teachers around, what does this mean?
It shows that there are indeed people in Hexagram that he cares about. He cares so much that he pays special attention to even the little things. He will never come to the concert alone, and he must not let everyone in the outside world misunderstand.

what is this?
This is the protection of the people you like!
When the agent was discussing with Shi Fei, he felt that this method was really good. First, he would mislead the audience, and then released the photos Shi Fei and Qi Ye had taken before.

Asking the public to connect these two things together, Shi Fei naturally caught Qi Ye's enthusiasm.

In the future, if they can find out which TV series Qi Ye is going to shoot, then let Shi Fei go in and shoot.

Hype again, at this time, when the CPs of the two parties are bound to a certain level, they can go to Qi Ye to ask for cooperation.

Qi Ye can also enjoy the CP bonus and increase some fans, and those photos look more real, and their family Shi Fei is not bad, what if Qi Ye is really tempted?
With such thoughts in mind, the two of them kept planning what would happen next in the lounge.

"When you are on the stage later, you must pay attention to your expression, the feeling of tenderness, the feeling of wanting to look but not daring to look, can you handle it?" the manager's child ahh Fee told what to do next.

On the other side, Qi Ye had already entered Ye Tian's lounge, and of course An Yunle was with him.

(End of this chapter)

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