Chapter 466 Isn't it?
"It's the last show. After the show is over, I'll treat you to some delicious food!" An Yunle walked in, stretched out his hand and plucked Ye Tian's hair.

Ye Tian shook her head, and Teacher Tony who was standing next to her was obviously very angry: "This hairstyle was done just now, why is it messed up again!"

Teacher Tony was very angry about this. Ye Tian's hair is indeed very comfortable to touch, and it has a different feeling when rubbed, but this is not the reason for these people to destroy her hairstyle!

I don't know, for girls, shouldn't their hair be messed up?

"Okay!" Ye Tian shook her head when she heard An Yunle's words, and then smiled.

An Yunle made it to the sofa next to him, and Qi Ye was also sitting there.

"Didn't you say you won't come for the last time?" Qi Ye went to the first and second tours, and he didn't come to the scene for the next few tours. On the fifth tour, because Ye Tian's tour location was the place where Qi Ye was filming. A city, so Qi Ye went to the box.

Until now, the two meet again.

"When did I say that?" When facing An Yunle, Qi Ye was never very polite.

It is not an exaggeration to say that two people will tear up as soon as they meet.

"Anyway, the best position today is mine!"

"Where is the best position? Tiantian's position is in the middle, so she can be seen no matter what." Qi Ye retorted directly.

The last time, because of the live broadcast, Starlight Entertainment paid great attention to it. All aspects of the scene were done very well, including the stage.

Because it is a hexagonal star, the periphery of the stage is a hexagon, and the middle is a five-pointed star. The corners between the five-pointed star and the hexagon are the VIP seats this time.

All kinds of people who will come from the industry, the mentors of the six-pointed star group, and other media will basically sit here.

Of course, fans of each family can also get such tickets, and each family will have them for taking photos.

After all, only sitting close can you take good pictures.

Celebrities need such exposure.

"Is the location arrangement of each tutor different?" Ye Tian didn't pay attention to where the other people were arranged.

She only knew which corner Qi Ye was in.

"Don't you actually care about me? I'm so sad." An Yunle didn't know what happened recently, but his personality seemed to have undergone a certain change, becoming more and more sloppy.

He made a gesture of Xizi holding his heart, expressing that he is really sad now.

Qi Ye next to him gave him a blank stare: "Didn't you say, are you chasing your girlfriend recently? Why come to us when you have time?"

Qi Ye and An Yunle are in the same circle, and their friends are basically the same.

They were in a group, Qi Ye didn't talk much, but suddenly saw An Yunle chasing a girl recently.

After hearing this, Ye Tian also turned her head to stare at An Yunle, her eyes were full of curiosity: "Who are you chasing?"

"This..." An Yunle blushed in a rare way. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his ears, "I'll tell you this after I succeed. It's not good to talk about some things first."

Ye Tian had never seen such a shy An Yunle, and she was very curious for a while.

Which girl could be liked by An Yunle?
Did she know it, or didn't she know it?

Isn't An Yunle writing songs in retreat all this time?Where's the time to meet other girls?

(End of this chapter)

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