Chapter 467
"It can't be someone I know, right?" Ye Tian immediately guessed why An Yunle didn't want to tell her.

And looking at it like this, it's not just people she knows, it should be people she is very familiar with.

Ye Tian immediately pulled out some people from her circle of friends that she had known before, and thought about them one by one.

After thinking about it, I felt something was wrong.

If An Yunle really liked them, they would have been together a long time ago, and there is no need to wait until today. Thinking of this, she opened her mouth wide, with a face full of disbelief, and asked in surprise: "What kind of people do you like?" In our group? Or other trainees from Starlight Girls?"

It seems that this is the only way to explain why An Yunle is like this now.

If you are a person in the circle, there is no need for this at all.

However, if they are in the entertainment industry, and the gap between the two sides is still so large, they can't be too high-profile.

"When did you become so smart?" An Yunle watched her secret being discovered, and she was in a bad mood.

He felt that he was well hidden, and no one had discovered it for such a long time.

I just asked some more experienced brothers in the group before, wanting to know how to fall in love with girls.

But Ye Tian actually guessed that he has someone he likes based on what Qi Ye said, and he is also one of them among the Starlight Girls.

When Ye Tian heard this, she curled her lips: "What are you talking about, when did I not be smart?" She has always been very, very smart, okay?
An Yunle also laughed and said, "Yes, yes, you are the smartest!"

"Then, why don't you tell me who that person is?" At this time, not only Ye Tian looked at him, but also Luo Yue, Tony who was packing up, and Ye Tian who was sitting next to him.

This battle doesn't look like they're watching the excitement, it's like they're catching rape.

He was a little embarrassed, organized his words, and said slowly: "I didn't think I liked her before, but after Starlight Entertainment ended, I always thought of someone in my heart."

"At the beginning, I didn't understand why. I knew that that day, she sang a love song. I think this song was sung for me." An Yunle said so, but Ye Tian looked at her at this moment. Qi Ye.

Qi Ye rubbed his nose in embarrassment, maybe everyone would think that the love songs sung by their lovers were all for themselves.

He's also just a normal guy.

An Yunle continued to talk about her own affairs, "After that, I wanted to test it out. I deliberately found an excuse to be alone with her, and finally got a promise from her to ask her to do something for me."

When it came to this, Ye Tian already knew who that person was.

I also understand why An Yunle has become like this recently.

What is this?The spark of love between the two?

"Wang Qing?" Ye Tian and Qi Ye said Wang Qing's name at the same time.

An Yunle nodded, looking at Ye Tian's eyes full of pleading: "Can you say something nice for me, she seems to think of me as a bad person now."

Because of the previous incident, Wang Qing felt that An Yunle was really too vengeful. After paying off the debt, Wang Qing felt that she had to stay away from An Yunle, but now An Yunle was determined, I fell in love with Wang Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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