Chapter 468 What a Misunderstanding
Ye Tian was very confused by what he said.

Being regarded as a bad person, what did he do?At the beginning, Wang Qing's sense of An Yunle was still very good.

Seeing Ye Tian's puzzled expression, An Yunle felt that he was really suffering.

He didn't know why things became like this, and everything was developing in a direction he didn't want to see.

What he thought at the beginning was that as long as he was sure that he really had a crush on that little girl Wang Qing, he could start pursuing her after a long time.

But what I didn't expect was that the initial method seemed to be used incorrectly, which led Wang Qing to think that he was really a cheapskate who must take revenge.

"Do you still remember the time of the second tour?" An Yunle and Qi Ye were both there at that time, and the two of them walked backstage with everyone after the end.

Ye Tiandian nodded, saying that she certainly had a certain impression of what happened at that time, but she didn't know what happened after that, and Wang Qing never said it.

At that time, I just got a video given to me by the program group.

I think it was a good opportunity for the two of us to have a conversation, and I was really not very happy because of that incident.

"That incident?" Ye Tian grasped the critical period, did Wang Qing do anything unpleasant in the show now?
Shouldn't there be?
"It's the matter where you guys said that Qi Ye and I were a couple in the restaurant. The director said that the feature film was not broadcast, but you can show me the stuff." Now An Yunle is regretful, very regretful.

Why didn't he find a better way?Do you have to use this method of provoking a teacher to get in touch with girls?
"So, the reason why you found Wang Qing that day was to ask the teacher for your crime?" Ye Tian was also happy.

Qi Ye next to him also felt that this person might not be a fool, how could he go after his girlfriend like this?
Can you catch up like this?
Was it to make others feel indebted to you in the first place?

"No wonder you have been born for so many years. It seems that there is a reason." Ye Tian said directly.

"I said later, I want her to make up for me. I thought, if this is the case, can't we be together in a fair way?"

An Yunle's thought was too good, and he did it in such a good way, one is that everyone will not find out that there is an affair between them, and the other is that even if they are found out, there will be an explanation at that time.

However, Wang Qing didn't think so.

Wang Qing felt that the past was the past, and what she did at the time was indeed wrong. After knowing that An Yunle and Qi Ye actually hated each other, and could fight each other at any point in time, she stopped talking about this couple. CP, but I didn't expect it to be so long, and someone would threaten her with the incident at that time?
She thinks that she is a soft-tempered person, but she also thinks that Teacher An Yunle is going too far?

After all, she really didn't mean it at the time. After explaining it, the other party still refused to let her go. Wang Qing's eyes were red at that time.

"Then, I just teased her, but I didn't expect to make her cry." Also when she saw Wang Qing crying, An Yunle knew that she really fell in love with that girl.

She really grew up in his heart, but he made people cry, and he didn't dare to move, so he had to leave.

Ye Tian and Qi Ye didn't know what to do after hearing such a bloody story.

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door: "Tiantian, can I come in?"

(End of this chapter)

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