Chapter 482
Sharp-eyed friends spot blind spots.

[ about everyone eating a melon on the red eye? 】

【melon?What melon? 】

After seeing Shi Fei's actions, someone made a special animation.

It said that every time Shi Fei walked towards the audience, she would subconsciously lean towards that corner, and who was sitting there?

At the very beginning, someone took pictures, and the one sitting there was Qi Ye.

Coupled with the discussion just now, Qi Ye had a girlfriend in Hexagram, and many people's mood became more delicate.

【so? 】

[I don't think so? 】

【I don't think so either, how could Qi Ye...】

【No, brothers and sisters in front, what are you talking about? 】

[Look at the trending searches yourself! 】

The person in front of the computer took out his mobile phone, and the person watching on the mobile phone also used split screen. It can be said that he can watch the live broadcast and eat melon.

[Shi Fei's performance today is really abnormal! 】

【Shi Fei has been looking towards Qi Ye the whole time, right?Before the combination, Qi Ye's hot search, so these two people are together now? 】

Netizens always have a lot of ideas, and their imagination is superb.

As long as there is a little suspicious thing, it may become a certainty on their side.

Not to mention that this matter has something to do with Qi Ye.

Qi Ye debuted for three years, and has never had any scandals with any female stars in the industry. Up to now, in the words of fans, he is our brother Bing Qing Yu Jie.

I got in touch with Ye Tian before, but because Qi Ye liked a comment from my father, many people thought that Qi Ye and Ye Tian were pure seniors and juniors.

But now it's different, now this is really rumored!
And Shi Fei.

[Although, but... Shi Fei really can't do it! 】

[Shi Fei is very good, but Qi Ye is not good enough for her, right?Qi Ye is blind to fall in love with Shi Fei? 】

[If it's true, I'll perform a handstand and eat shit for everyone. 】

[NM bullshit, what kind of marketing account is scribbling all day long? 】

The feces, urine and farts came out, and it can be seen how much netizens disagree with this matter.

Luo Tian also found the culprit of this incident.

"Where is Shi Fei?"

"Yes, it should be the hot search bought by Shi Fei, isn't this too hateful?"

"What's so hateful, what's fake is fake, and it's hard to clarify what's true. What are you afraid of if it's fake?" So far, what the studio is most afraid of is the exposure of Qi Ye and Ye Tian's relationship.

This will not have much impact on Qi Ye, but it is very unfavorable to Ye Tian who is on the rise.

It would be very easy if Qi Ye was with someone else.

I'm sorry, who are you?

"Then let's clarify now?"

"It's not necessary now. Netizens haven't decided yet. Wait a minute and see if Shi Fei has prepared anything else. Let them play the hole cards before we play cards!" Luo Tian pondered for a moment. , said immediately.

The public relations side continued to monitor things on the Internet, and Shi Fei invited a bunch of sailors to lead the rhythm. Now countless people linked Qi Ye and Shi Fei.

[To be honest, if Qi Ye really likes Wang Qing, then it's only a blessing! 】

[I think it's not bad, Shi Fei is the type next door, maybe Qi Ye likes this one?In contrast, I think Shi Fei is very suitable, cute and gentle, and complements Qi Ye perfectly. 】

【Have these two been together since Starlight Girls? 】

(End of this chapter)

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