Chapter 483 Contact
There are a lot of people eating melons on the Internet, including those makeup artists who used to do Shi Fei's makeup.

The first time I went to a first-line magazine, Shi Fei had hickey marks on her neck, and those people were still discussing whether Shi Fei had a boyfriend or what.

Now that they saw the news about Shi Fei and Qi Ye, those people were also chatting.

"Last time I said that Shi Fei came with hickey marks, but I didn't expect it to be Qi Ye? It's all over her neck!"

Everyone is in the group, so naturally they pay special attention to those things.

"Why is Qi Ye so enthusiastic? Looking at his face is so cold. I didn't come to our magazine to shoot the cover before, so I didn't dare to go up and talk to him."

"Well, there is a kind of man called Mensao, it must be him..."

"This kind of hot search is half true and half false..."

"I don't think it's possible for these two people. Shi Fei has a boyfriend, but it's absolutely impossible to be Qi Ye. Qi Ye shouldn't be the kind of person who knows that his girlfriend has a job the next day, but still wants to do that kind of thing." Right?" Of course there are Qi Ye's fans among the makeup artists.

He knew that Shi Fei often had hickey marks on his neck, but he absolutely did not believe that Qi Ye did it.

After all, Qi Ye didn't seem like that.

"That's right, if it's really a boyfriend and girlfriend, how could it be possible to hype it at this time? It's just to deceive those outsiders. Now that Shi Fei's foundation is not stable, it's not a particularly good thing to post with Qi Ye at this time .”

"Look at it."

Because of the popularity of Hexagram, countless netizens paid attention to Hexagram today, and Qi Ye was mentioned in the related topics of Hexagram.

After Luo Tian and Xu Ying saw that the person who broke out was Shi Fei, they had completely turned the topic to that side.

It's best not to suspect Ye Tian at this time.

"Well, after the concert is over, our side will clarify directly."

"You don't need to do anything over there, as usual." Luo Tian was still on the phone with Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was very anxious looking at the hot search, but there was not much to do. Seeing that no one guessed Ye Tian, ​​she put her heart in her stomach.

Shi Fei's manager was obviously very happy when he saw the remarks on the Internet.

Sure enough, as long as He Qiye has a relationship, he can get huge traffic.

Shi Fei's image is not bad now, after all, the sharp knife before made everyone think that Shi Fei is a person with very correct three views.

Coupled with the guidance of the navy, some people really feel that Shi Fei and Qi Ye are together, and the two are attracted to each other because of their respective talents.

[Shi Fei is actually pretty good. I think he and Qi Ye complement each other very well. Qi Ye has a colder personality, but Shi Fei happens to be very gentle and caring. If the two of them are together, it should be better! 】

[Sister Shi Fei's three views are very upright, Qi Ye is also very nice, if these two people are really together, I am very blessed]

[This hot search today, are two people wanting to make it public? 】

Luo Tian saw these things on the Internet, took out his phone, and directly contacted Shi Fei's company.

After all, everyone is an insider, so they still have phone calls with each other.

"Broker Luo? We also know about it. Yes, we are about to contact you. We don't know why this matter has been exposed!" Shifei Company showed that it was a victim image of the author.

(End of this chapter)

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