Chapter 484

Of course, Shi Fei knew how it was popularly searched by farmers, not only did they know, but they were the ones who promoted it.

But even if the other party knows that there is not much credibility to say this, it is impossible to just say it in the conversation.

When Luo Tian heard this, he just sneered: "Qi Ye has never been rumored to have had an affair with anyone since his debut."

"This, we also know that Teacher Qi Ye's external image has always been very good. We are also very surprised that this happened. Netizens are sometimes too curious."

The other party and Luo Tian practiced Tai Chi, wanting to let this matter continue to ferment on the Internet. After all, Qi Ye is a good man, which is the consensus in the fan circle.

After so many years, he has been in love with many female celebrities, but there has never been any scandal. Even if the woman wants to fire CP sometimes, Qi Ye will not respond at all.

For something like CP, it is only true if both parties do business for it. If one side thinks it is impossible and does not cooperate at all, how can it be called CP?
Over time, rumors spread in the circle that Qi Ye is a very clean and self-sufficient person.

Although this is indeed good, there are many reasons why Qi Ye is not willing to speculate with other female stars because he will always have only one person in his heart.

However, that person is not what the other company thinks, it could be Shi Fei!
"This doesn't have much impact on Teacher Qi Ye. Do you think we should discuss and resolve this matter?" Shi Fei was thinking that if she could really grow rice and cook it.

Anyway, Qi Ye's reputation is good, if Shi Fei and Shi Fei are really together now, people outside will definitely not think too much, after all, Shi Fei will not be of much help to Qi Ye, if they are really together, then It is true love.

If it does happen in the end, it is climbing a big tree.

The relationship between a man and a woman is mostly formed by getting along with each other. Now Shi Fei and Qi Ye don't have much relationship, but maybe after getting along for a long time, two people will become it?

Luo Tian understood the meaning of the other party's words: "I'm sorry, this is impossible, we will never fire CP here." Are you kidding me, if he is unified now, tomorrow he will become unemployed and unemployed from a gold broker.

Not only Qi Ye's side, but Ye Tian's side can accept it, and the Ye family behind Ye Tian can also accept it?

As far as the current Qi Ye is concerned, those members of the Ye family may not necessarily accept it!

But the other party obviously didn't know what Luo Tian was thinking: "Our Shi Fei's image is also very positive, whether in the program group or now, her external image will not cause any harm to Qi Ye. "

They are still trying to fight for it, but Luo Tian knows a lot of internal things, such as this Shi Fei's fan marketing, and looking at the stupid things that Shi Fei fans did before, he doesn't believe that this is really a white lotus. .

If such a person could really be with Qi Ye, then the whole world would be blinded.

"Impossible. We don't cooperate with anyone to fire CP. This is what I told you. I don't care how you operate. Anyway, fake CP is absolutely not allowed to exist on our side!"

(End of this chapter)

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