Chapter 485 The Immortal Love
After Luo Tian said this, he hung up the phone directly, and the other party obviously didn't expect Qi Ye's manager to be so determined.

But he still thinks it doesn't matter, Qi Ye hasn't enjoyed the benefits of CP all these years since his debut.

It's a great thing to have CP. You must know that those fans are very capable, much stronger than ordinary fans.

As long as it works well, the data in all aspects can rise in a straight line. Now Qi Ye's fans are so Buddhist, and Chaohua's ranking has always been below Ye Tian. Qi Ye has been the top traffic for so many years, don't you want it? Back to number one?

And the purchasing power of CP fans is also very strong.

However, they didn't call again, but let the people on the Internet continue to promote Shi Fei's matter.

Shi Feijian did lose a lot of money to the company, but also made a lot of money. The company is not willing to give up this sweet pastry.

He said before that he was unwilling to invest in Shi Fei again, but seeing Shi Fei making so much money during this period of time, the boss has long since changed his mind.

This is also one of the reasons why Fei's fans have picked up again in such a month. There are too many fake things, and naturally even his own people think it is true.

Shi Fei's navy was dispatched again, and began to create momentum for the CP between Shi Fei and Qi Ye.

Qi Ye is CP with Ye Tian, ​​and Chaohua is called Ye Tian.

Because Qi Ye's only love song.

[Some people are really too shameless, right?Oh my god QY went on tour just to see her?This hype makes people blush! 】

[No, Ye and she didn't have any interaction when they were on the show, so now it's true that if you want to get CP, you can get CP?It's too shameless, let's see how much interaction our little Naipou has with Ye?How many are there in their family? 】

The CP chat between Ye Tian and Qi Ye was established during the interaction between Qian Qiye and Ye Tian. The current number of people is about 30, which can be said to be a lot of people.

Whether it's "father-daughter" love or love, they are all active in it.

Tonight, I saw the hot search related to Qi Ye and Shi Fei, and the people in it exploded immediately.

[I'm mad at me, I'm mad at me!If Ye does not clarify this evening, I will announce that my CP will be BE! 】

[Don't worry everyone, don't worry everyone, I don't think there is anything wrong with these two people, and they have no sense of CP. I don't know where the self-confidence comes from. 】

The CP fans here feel that their house has collapsed when they see the hot search, but then they see how calm everyone in Chaohua is, and they think it's okay.

This...should be no problem, among all the sisters of Starlight Entertainment, Qi Ye and Ye Tian have a CP, including Qi Ye has cooperated with other stars so much in the past few years, there are only a few CPs, and those few All of them are hard buckle candies, and I don’t know how many times the master refuted the rumors.

They are different, the host directly sends candy, all kinds of sweet details, can be said to be the most active CP among all Qi Ye's CPs, and the host does not suppress at all.

Many people believed in this 'father-daughter' relationship.

On the other side, Shi Fei and Qi Ye's CP Chaohua was also established at this time.

【Ahhh, I just said that Feifei and Qi Ye are a good match, am I serious? 】

[I also wondered what kind of fairy love is this? 】

[Qi Ye must have been to many tours before, right?But for the sake of our sister, it has not been made public every time. If it hadn't been picked up this time, maybe it would not have been made public? 】

(End of this chapter)

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