Chapter 495 Try?

"Do you feel uncomfortable when you are close to him?"

"No, I feel very comfortable. Teacher An has a very comfortable atmosphere."

"Then, don't you like him touching you?" After Ye Tian asked, Wang Qing thought for a while, then she stood up and walked to An Yunle's side.

An Yunle raised her head and looked at her: "Mr. An, can you touch me?"


An Yunle looked at Ye Tian instantly, as if asking what Ye Tian said just now.

"Teacher An?" Wang Qing wanted to try it.

An Yunle didn't get any hint from Ye Tian, ​​because Ye Tian was laughing like crazy now.

Didn't expect Wang Qing to do this?

Were there no physical releases between the two of you before?

If so, then An Yunle is really miserable, this is completely unrequited love.

It's a long way to chase people.

An Yunle's hands trembled a little, it shouldn't be, his hands have never trembled like this after practicing the violin for so many years.

But because the person in front of him is Wang Qing.

"Touch, where do you touch?" He took a deep breath and even closed his eyes, a little shy.

"You can do whatever you want." Wang Qing didn't know where to touch. Ye Tian asked just now, but she hadn't felt it before, so she proposed to let An Yunle touch it, wanting to know how it felt.

An Yunle opened his eyes, feeling a little troubled, he stood up, Wang Qing only felt that the light in front of him should not be blocked.

"How long have you been touching?"

"You...whatever you want?" After Wang Qing finished speaking, An Yunle stretched out his hand and placed it on top of her head.

Wang Qing tilted her head, her hair inadvertently swept across An Yunle's palm, An Yunle couldn't help but rubbed the top of her head with her hands.

Wang Qing's face turned red in an instant, a feeling she had never experienced before.

At that moment, it was as if a weak current hit her. This current was not strong, but very warm?

It's like being wrapped in something.

"Is it okay?" An Yunle also had the same feeling, Wang Qing's hair was so soft, the tip of the hair not only scratched his palm, but also scratched his heart.

why so cute
"Yes, it's fine." Wang Qing lowered her head to hide her blushing face.

She ran back to her seat with small steps, raised her head to look at An Yunle who was standing beside her still in place, and then looked at Ye Tian.

She wanted to talk, but felt a little shy, so she simply took out her phone and started typing.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: Tiantian, I didn't know what it felt like just now.

Ye Tian also laughed when she saw it.

Are these two really in a relationship?

The conversation just now was really laughable, but it was a pity that it was not recorded. Otherwise, if the two of them were really together, maybe she would be able to release it again?

Tiantian wants to drink milk: how does it feel?
Qingqing really wants to eat meat: It just feels very comfortable and at ease, feeling that he will protect me, I have never felt this way before.

Tiantian wants to drink milk: That means that in your heart, you don't actually reject being with him.

Tian Tian wants to drink milk: Maybe you can try to promise him?It doesn't hurt anyway.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: No, no, not only because she doesn't reject...I...

Her heart was beating fast just now, and her face turned red all of a sudden.

Heh, the situation Ye Tian asked just now is exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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