Chapter 496 Can You See It?
Tiantian wants to drink milk: What did you think of An Yunle before?
Qingqing really wants to eat meat: I used to like Teacher An Yunle very much. Teacher An Yunle is a very good singer. I have played all the songs he sang before on repeat.

Tiantian wants to drink milk: You were a fan of Teacher An before?
Qingqing really wants to eat meat: Then what I just said is the feeling that fans only have for idols?

Wang Qing was a little confused.

Ye Tian looked at Wang Qing.

No, fans don't feel this way about idols. You like An Yunle in your heart, but you never found out.

Tian Tian wants to drink milk: Why don't you think about it, maybe, you also liked An Yunle before?

Wang Qing was shocked by the news.

"No, can't it?" She felt that she could eat An Yunle and other people's CP, and it should be impossible to like An Yunle.

After all, if you really like it, how can you eat CP?

"Yes, believe me, I have rich experience." After she finished speaking, Wang Qing was stunned.

"No, Tiantian, you haven't even been in a relationship before, where did you get rich experience?"

Wang Qing said this a little loudly, and Qi Ye who was next to her heard it, and he leaned over and said, "How do you know she hasn't been in a relationship?"

"Isn't this obvious? Tiantian doesn't have a boyfriend!"

"With your eyes, can you tell if someone else has a boyfriend?" After Qi Ye finished speaking, Wang Qing stared at Qi Ye.

What happened to Teacher Qi Ye today?
I don’t hate people inside on weekdays!
"Of course I can see it! I can tell that Shi Fei has a boyfriend now!" Of course, it doesn't seem to be her who can see it, it seems to be Xing Ranran.

However, this doesn't affect anything.

"Then we're together, can you tell?" Ye Tian was sitting beside her smiling, and after hearing Qi Ye's words, she turned her head to look at Wang Qing.

Wang Qing didn't react for a while: "Of course I..."

Afterwards, she reacted: "What did you say?"

Her eyes were wide open, she looked at Qi Ye and then at Ye Tian.

"Are you together?" Wang Qing thought of the hot search tonight.

I also thought that when I was in the program group before, Qi Ye was obviously not very interested in other people. He was a very good mentor, but he felt like a senior, because he would not give anyone any advice. eyes.

But apart from Ye Tian, ​​everyone who wasn't in the Starlight Girls knew that Qi Ye often cue Ye Tian in various links.

Every time he saw Ye Tian, ​​his expression was different. The show crew had released it before. In private, Qi Ye gave Ye Tian milk to drink.

However, the two of them did these things frankly, and no one felt that there was anything between them.

Now, Wang Qing heard Qi Ye say, is he with Ye Tian?
How can this be?

"You guys, are you together in the program group?" Ye Tian didn't enter the entertainment circle before, so the two of them shouldn't have met before, right?

No, since the first filming, Qi Ye treated Ye Tian very differently.

So, did Qi Ye fall in love with Ye Tian first, and then chase after him in the program group?She was with Ye Tian every day, and she didn't notice this?

"What do you think?" Qi Ye watched Wang Qing's expression change, but didn't tell her the truth.

An Yunle next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and said directly: "We've been together for a long time, childhood sweetheart."


(End of this chapter)

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