Chapter 604 I Want to Praise You
This matter can be confirmed from Qi Ye's tone, Ye Tian thought about it, and her body trembled involuntarily.

Why do you still bring it like this?
"No, of course he didn't do it." That person is not so stupid if he can think of saving people.

If he did this, he would be found out by then, but his whole life would be over.

Because at that time, if the teacher hadn't been sent to the hospital in time, he might have been in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. This is a very serious crime of intentional injury.

"It was done by another person in the crew, but he heard all this, and he knew about it from the very beginning."

"Another person in the crew, because when he was playing with that teacher, the teacher said a few words to him, and then he held a grudge."

Qi Ye told Ye Tian all about the situation at that time.

He felt that Ye Tian knew too little about these things, not enough.

To know more.

Know exactly what's going on in the crew.

After all, having already entered this circle, it doesn't mean that nothing will happen, and not everyone is as weird as Luo Yue said.

But it's always kind of dark.

"Is that so, is that teacher okay later?"

"The leg is better, but it hurts every winter, so it's the root cause of the disease." Qi Ye sighed.

Ye Tian didn't know how to evaluate the crew that Qi Ye met and the crew that Luo Yue described at noon.

Compared with what Qi Ye saw here, no Song Xiaowen's methods were vicious.

After all, things like putting things in cosmetics, putting medicine in drinks, and hiding needles in clothes and shoes are really only a few people can do.

In comparison, Ye Tian felt that the ones Qi Ye encountered were relatively normal?After all, what Luo Yue said at noon was too magical.

"Are the other crews like this too?" Ye Tian looked up at Qi Ye.

Qi Ye shook his head.

"Of course not. Many crews are very harmonious, and everyone works hard for a common goal."

Society is not only dark, but also bright.

It's just that bad things will be firmly remembered, and good things are often quickly forgotten.

"There is another paragraph."

"Want to see it?"

"Let's see." Qi Ye really didn't pay attention to what those people said about him before.

It's good to have a look now.

After all, being in the crew at the time was completely different from being on this one.

"Teacher Qi Ye is a very responsible teacher. He does not talk much in the crew, but he is also a very nice person..."

The third one looks much more normal, the evaluation is considered good, Ye Tian doesn't know why this one is put here, after all, compared to the previous two, the current one looks normal .

"After all, it's a collection, I guess everything related to me is in it." Ye Tian's hand holding the tablet was a little sore, and Qi Ye naturally noticed her small movements, took the tablet, and let Ye Tian lie on his back, comfortable Some.

"I'll praise you too in the future."

Read all of them except the first and the second.What he said was indeed a bit scary. Apart from making some people who didn't know the truth have a bad impression of Qi Ye before they got in touch with him, other people were saying that Qi Ye was very responsible when he was filming.

"How do you boast?"

(End of this chapter)

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