Chapter 605 Like Me More

Hearing this, Qi Ye also became interested.

Want to boast?
"Let me think about it." Ye Tian lowered her eyes in thought, and Qi Ye's kiss fell on Ye Tian's eyebrows.

"Well, don't make trouble, I forgot how to praise you!" Ye Tian stretched out her hand, trying to push him away, but Qi Ye took her hand and pushed her onto the sofa.

"Baby, you smell like milk."


"I like milk."

As he spoke, he kissed Ye Tian's lips.

When the two separated, Ye Tian's lips turned red, "I'll change to another brand of shower gel tomorrow!"

Qi Ye picked her up and whispered in her ear: "Just use this."

"I use this too, is that okay?"

"Like me more? Huh?" After Qi Ye finished speaking, Ye Tian buried her head in his chest.

It's not, as it says in the video.

Not cold at all.

There are also doubts that Mr. Qi will freeze his girlfriend to death if he finds a girlfriend in the future.

Sorry, she's going to die of heat now!
Qi Ye didn't do anything else after that, after sending Ye Tian back to the room, he just took a shower and then contacted Luo Tian.

"Those bad rumors about me on the Internet."

"Yo, how did you know?" Luo Tian already knew about it, and like Qi Ye, he didn't particularly care about it. After all, Qi Ye doesn't rely on fallacies. down him.

"Understood, but do you want to thank them?" Qi Ye didn't feel much about those words anymore.

But he could feel that what those people said made his baby feel distressed.

This made Qi Ye unable to tell what it felt like.

"Your brain isn't flooded, is it?" The coffee in Luo Tian's hand almost fell to the ground.

Listen, is this still human?
What should I thank them for?
Those who said those words on purpose, if they heard what Qi Ye said now, would they vomit blood out of anger?
Qi Ye did not cooperate with their hype, and some of them held a grudge and deliberately gave Qi Ye the image of a big devil.

If it weren't for Qi Ye's own high ability, he would have died long ago.

"Just now I watched a video with Tiantian."

"She loves me so much."

"I'm very happy."

After Qi Ye finished speaking, Luo Tiantian immediately hung up the phone.

He knew, this bastard just called him to show his affection.

In the middle of the night, why bother?
Why treat a single dog like this?Do single dogs have no human rights?Do you still have to eat dog food in the middle of the night?

Looking at the hung up phone, Qi Ye showed no sign of being unhappy.

He thought of the milky fragrance on Ye Tian's body, and the way she was pouting for him, and felt that his whole heart was wrapped in honey.

After Luo Tian hung up the phone, he felt that Qi Ye had something to do with him, so he calmed down and called again.

"It's okay, I just told you about it."

"Afterwards, help me accept a variety show. You can't just let them talk. I'll be wronged for no reason, right?" Qi Ye hasn't managed those things in recent years.

But now, he thinks it's better to clarify.

"Okay, do you want to be with Ye Tian or just you?" Hearing this news, Luo Tian was of course happy.

Qi Ye had never been on variety shows before, so outsiders didn't know him at all.

Qi Ye, who is the mentor in Starlight Girl, is still very strict.

Now, he wants to make a change!
(End of this chapter)

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