Chapter 606

Thanks Ye Tian!

Luo Tian said this in his heart.

"We'll see the situation at that time." Ye Tian didn't have a confirmed variety show in the future, and Qi Ye knew this.

"Look at my next schedule."

"Do you want a resident variety show, or the one that just goes to one episode?"

The current variety show is divided into resident guests and flying soldiers.

Basically, there are only a few permanent residents, but the number of flying guests is different each time.

Going to variety shows to promote movies is already a routine operation in the industry.

"Your current TV series, because there are no special effects, and the actors' good looks, the post-production time is very short. Basically, it can catch up with the summer broadcast!" Luo Tian thought for a while, and said to Qi Ye .

"During that time, you were filming "Eastern Palace". However, the filming time of Eastern Palace is very long, so you can ask for leave."

Apart from this TV series with Ye Tian, ​​Qi Ye has spent the rest of his time in "East Palace" this year.

This is a feature TV series, a scheming drama, and Qi Ye's role in it is not the hero, but a villain.

However, even though he is a villain, his roles are similar to those of the male lead, so it can be said that it is a drama with two male leads.

Qi Ye had never acted in such a role before, and this time it was a challenge for him. In addition, such a production team has high requirements in many aspects, and Qi Ye will even leave a space for himself after a while. long hair.

Because the director over there felt that the hair set was too unnatural, and it was easy to see the clues.

Actors grow their hair longer and then extend it so that the hairstyle is natural enough.

"The East Palace works five days a week, and rests on Saturdays and weekends." That director is a talent.

Strictly follow the working day to shoot.

Give the actors time to rest, but in fact it is also time for everyone to ponder the script.

Don't rush the schedule, ask the actors to do their best.

Generally, actors are required to stay in the crew for at least seven or eight months.

Of course, to receive this director's play, for many people, not to mention seven or eight months, even a year, it is worth it.

After all, this is going towards winning awards, and this year, this kind of machismo has become more and more popular among audiences, whether it is young audiences or older audiences, it seems that they like such things.

"There will definitely be TV drama promotion at that time."

"Tiantian and I are the hero and heroine, so we must go together."

"Help me keep an eye out to see what fits."

After Qi Ye finished speaking, Luo Tian wrote down his thoughts in his work list.

"Is there anything else?"

"No more, it's nice to have a girlfriend." Qi Ye finally sighed.

Luo Tian hung up the phone again, and cursed Boss Dog in his heart.

And sent a message asking for a salary increase.

However, Qi Ye, who was in a good mood, did not respond to his unreasonable request.

After Ye Tian returned to the dormitory, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She clicked on Qi Ye's super chat and looked at Qi Ye's fans.

Qi Yechao's daily activities are very high.

But those are not the kind of activity of traffic fans who rely on cutting numbers to do data.

But it is very real, everyone has an account, because there are many people, so the traffic is high.

[Yeye is resting during this time, right?Alas, can I look forward to his next variety show? 】

[Sisters really think too much, the Starlight Girl last time was already shocking, okay? 】

(End of this chapter)

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