Chapter 623 Is there any problem?

This director is a person who does what he says and does it. After having such an idea, he immediately stopped the filming of the crew and asked all the main actors to go to the conference room. By the way, he also called the screenwriter on the crew. .

The screenwriter is also a relatively well-known screenwriter in the industry, and the idol drama is very well written, but after hearing what the director said, it is a bit difficult to write in a more professional way.

After all, she doesn't know many things.

"Director, you asked me, a liberal arts student, to write about mathematics, is it a bit embarrassing for me? You know that we are pure arts majors, and we didn't even have math classes in college!" The screenwriter rubbed Zai's hair, and He comforted them pitifully.

Hearing what the director said about the revised script, the screenwriter himself was a little moved.

But if he took action, the precious hair on his head would definitely leave her behind.

The screenwriter teacher sighed, but what the director said was indeed tempting.

"We can ask for professional guidance. Ye Tian's current paper is what I asked for from the university. We can also ask teachers or classmates who know about these things in the university for the content we want to shoot now."

The director kept writing and drawing on his own paper.

"Let's make a more professional one and release it during the summer vacation. Maybe it can stimulate the enthusiasm of young people to learn." Although the director didn't explain it clearly, the screenwriter understood it all at once.

This is the way to be recognized by the above.

"Think about it, those people look at the top students all so NB, isn't there some kind of competition in mathematics, passion, struggle, it also fits the theme of our idol drama!"

Be it the youth TV dramas or movies in recent years, generally speaking, they have too much negative energy, or in other words, they are too bloody.

It doesn't fit the theme of the word youth at all.

What is youth?
It is youth that struggles!
A few leading actors sat next to each other, listening to the director's talk, although it was indeed a passionate one.

But, but, this is math.

They are scumbags.

"That, director..."

"We don't understand those things!"

You didn't say you had these things at the beginning. As an actor, filming is already very hard. In this crew, you still have to do questions?
"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just memorize it." The director waved his hand, indicating that it doesn't matter.

"At that time, we will invite professionals to prepare lines for you, and there will be no mistakes at all!" Now there are quite a few people who watch TV dramas.

Although it is true that some TV series are not rigorous enough and the things produced are full of loopholes, but you just watch a TV series, and you can accept such unscientific things as time travel. Why can’t you accept 100 RMB to buy a lollipop?
Isn't it all fake?

Isn't the world in the TV series already another world?
However, in order to have a good topic for hype in the follow-up, and the filming time of this drama is indeed very abundant, the director decided to be more rigorous.

Some of the previous parts do not need to be revised, and the follow-up story of the hero and heroine being a top student will start to be revised after the two people's test scores have been exposed.

"In this way, the filming in the afternoon will continue. The screenwriter will discuss with several other screenwriters and strive to revise the script as soon as possible. I will contact a professional teacher!"

After the director spoke, Ye Tian moved.

"Ye Tian? Is there a problem??
(End of this chapter)

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