Chapter 624 Contact
"Well, if you are a professional teacher, I will help you!" I met many teachers in the school before.

When she was in college, in addition to her own professional courses, she also took courses in the mathematics department because of some research needs.

After all, mathematics is the cornerstone of all science subjects. Only with a solid foundation in mathematics can one learn other things better.

"So, can I get in touch now?"

"Of course, the number of students recruited by the School of Mathematics is not large every year, and usually after half a year of studying, they will choose to change their majors. This has resulted in the School of Mathematics not having many students all year round."

This is the current situation of her Yancheng University. Many people enter the School of Mathematics with enthusiasm, and transfer directly after half a year, without delay at all.

The reason is simple, mathematics is too difficult.

When Ye Tian went to the Mathematics College before, she was often left behind by the teacher when the get out of class was over, persuading her to switch to Mathematics, or to take Mathematics with a double degree.

However, Ye Tian didn't agree at that time. After all, academic qualifications were nothing to her. If she was pursuing a double degree, she would have to go to classes on Saturdays and weekends, which was too tiring.

In addition, she spends some time in the teacher's laboratory on Saturdays and weekends, and doesn't have much time to go to class.

But she does have the phone number of the teacher of the mathematics school!

"Is Yanda's teacher okay? If the teacher hears what we want to do, he will be very willing to help us."

"Yan University?" The director swallowed.

This is also...

"Yes, I'll call the teacher right away." Seeing that the director didn't object, Ye Tian took out her cell phone.

Ye Tian, ​​a few teachers I met when I was in college, are still in touch with each other now, and they will also visit during the Chinese New Year.

Of course, after the visit, the teachers will ask her when she will quit the entertainment circle and return to the embrace of science.

"Well, Tiantian, if we can get in touch, I won't bother the professor to come here in person. Can we go over and discuss with him?" What level are the teachers in Yancheng University?
That is definitely a top student, and only the top student is qualified to become a teacher of Yancheng University in the end.

Ye Tiandian nodded, and after the call was connected, a voice full of anger came from the other side.


"Hmm, it's my teacher, how are you doing recently?"

This teacher is about 50 years old, but his body has always been very strong and healthy.

Because of teaching in the school and dealing with students all day long, this teacher, from the outside, is only in his 40s.

"Of course you are in good health. If you can take my postgraduate entrance examination, it may be better for me."

Although he has not recruited graduate students for many years, but if Ye Tian is, it is not impossible to make an exception.

"I called you because I wanted to ask you for help." After Ye Tian heard this, she just smiled and immediately changed the subject.

This can't go on any longer.

Going on, it's dangerous.

"whats the matter?"

"It's like this, our crew, the TV series we are filming now has something to do with mathematics, and the director wants to make it more professional..." Ye Tian repeated to the teacher the idea that the director said just now.

After the other party heard it, he also thought of a possibility: "In this case, it is equivalent to giving me our mathematics propaganda?"

"Right, right, didn't you always say that there are too few people in the School of Mathematics? What if someone becomes interested in mathematics after watching our TV series?"

(End of this chapter)

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