Chapter 625

After Ye Tian finished speaking, the old man on the opposite side was not only a little interested, but very interested.

"Tell me carefully, what do you need me to do?"

"It requires some professional knowledge. The script is currently being revised. What our director wants to achieve is that during the shooting process, there are no mistakes in the math-related things that the actors say."

"Then the content of the shooting is also in line with the current teaching content of the mathematics department of the top university with male and female protagonists."

"Is that so..."

"Our director said that if you agree, he will immediately bring the screenwriter back to Yancheng to ask you for advice."

After Ye Tian finished speaking, the other side immediately became serious: "How can one day be enough for mathematics-related matters?"

"I'll let your brothers go, anyway, they are idle now."

"Okay, okay, can you give me their contact information?" Ye Tian already guessed that it would be unrealistic to go to Yancheng to find a teacher.

After all, after revising the script, the production team will encounter various professional problems. Ye Tian also has a little understanding of many things in mathematics, such as competitions. She has never participated in mathematics, so she is not very clear about the process.

"I'll give it to you right away, don't be polite to your brother! It's just that we have a request."

"any request?"

After the director heard what Ye Tian said, he immediately looked over.

"When the time comes, give us the School of Mathematics publicity!"

After the old man finished speaking, Ye Tian nodded with a smile: "Sure, sure, I guarantee your satisfaction."

"Okay, I'll tell your senior brother later and ask him to contact you." After the old man finished speaking, he persuaded Ye Tian to take his postgraduate entrance examination.

After Ye Tian talked to him a few words, she hung up.

"How is it, how is it? What kind of conditions did the boss put forward?"

"It's nothing, let's promote Yanda Mathematics College. The number of students recruited every year is too small."

"Then, the teacher said that you don't need to go back to Yancheng, and he asked his doctoral students to come over."

Now the old man has two doctoral students under his command. They just came back from graduate school abroad last year, and this year they are Ph.D. students.

"That's fine, we're afraid of disturbing his old man." Talking to scholars of that level is stressful for people like them.

But it's fine if you want the students under the other party's hands.

After the discussion, the actors were very uneasy, although from the director's words and their own inferences, we can know that after changing the script, it will definitely be better.

But that's math.

How many people get bad grades because of math?

Ye Tian still had filming in the afternoon, so she handed the phone to Luo Yue and told her to answer it if she had a call.

The second scene was originally related to the profession, but now because of the revision of the script, it has been changed to another scene.

When Ye Tian was filming, Luo Yue also received a call from the brother Ye Tian mentioned.

After the filming, Ye Tian added the other party's bubble number, and the other party said that he is in Zhucheng now and can come over in an hour, and the other brother is in Yancheng and will arrive tomorrow.

Ye Tian told the director about this, and the director was a little nervous.

"Your senior brother..."

"I haven't seen it before." Ye Tian said immediately.

He only became a teacher and student last year, and the other party went abroad for three years as a graduate student. Ye Tian was a freshman, and the other party was a senior year. The two sides had no intersection at all.

(End of this chapter)

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