Chapter 626 This Is Too Difficult

"However, if they come, they will definitely follow what the teacher said and talk about me every day."

"If I go to study mathematics, my teacher will definitely not like it." After all, Ye Tian's major is physics.

The School of Mathematics and the School of Physics have had a 'long-standing grievance', because many students who are too difficult in mathematics have transferred to the School of Physics, which has lower requirements for mathematics, after completing a year or half a year of mathematics.

The teachers of the School of Mathematics often say that the School of Physics is robbing people, but this is something that can't be helped, after all, I can't continue studying.

When the senior brother arrived, Ye Tian walked over, and the other party immediately smiled and said: "The teacher told me, let me come here, persuade you more, give you extra lessons, so that you have a stronger interest in mathematics." interest."

Ye Tian opened her mouth wide.

"It's not necessary..." She just wanted to film a scene with peace of mind, why is there such a thing?
"The teacher said that if we can snatch someone from the School of Physics, our School of Mathematics will be able to feel proud, and the enmity for so many years will be resolved."

"You don't need to be so serious." Ye Tian rubbed her hair, feeling a little suffocated.

"Brother Zhuo, please come inside, the director's clothes corner is waiting for you!"

Ye Tian made a gesture of please go, please go quickly, Zhuo Xiangyu laughed.

"Just kidding, being a celebrity is good. Although it's not as interesting as mathematics, you can get in touch with a lot of things." Zhuo Xiangyu is also a young man, and of course he thinks differently from his teacher.

Although when he saw the little junior sister in front of him, he felt that if he abducted the little junior sister into the master's gate, maybe he could save the bald gene in the master's gate?

However, it also depends on personal preference.

Zhuo Xiangyu was taken by the director to a temporary meeting room.

On some very professional issues, after the screenwriter put forward the idea of ​​soliciting, Zhuo Xiangyu put forward opinions based on this aspect.

The two sides discussed until the evening, but the crew did not start work at night, so the screenwriter sent the revised script to all the actors.

The emotional line and the like have not changed, but in the original plot, some more in-depth things have been added.

The moment they got the script, the actors basically collapsed.

"Should I memorize these professional terms word by word? Should I apply for a teleprompter?" Ding Gui looked at the lines he got and said, "Wow, cry."

"I thought I had escaped mathematics, but I didn't expect that after graduating from college, I would have to look at such ghostly symbols."

"If you can perform as usual while watching the teleprompter, it's not impossible to watch it."

"Everyone try to memorize the lines, don't treat them as math problems, just memorize them as lines!"

The director also knows that these things are beyond the game for actors.

"Also, we will have a lot of problem-solving filming, and there will be discussions on mathematics with the protagonist group. Everyone work harder during this period. I will apply to the company to upgrade our lunch cafeteria!"

When the director said this, everyone was excited.

"Are you going to add a brain supplement package to us? Six walnuts after dinner?"

"Can it be considered?" The director was also taken aback, thinking that this should be possible.

"Of course, you don't have to worry too much. The most important thing is to focus on the hero and heroine. At that time, it will be them who will be the most difficult."

After saying this, everyone will not feel uncomfortable at once.

(End of this chapter)

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