Chapter 635 'Reading'

There was no confrontation, Ye Tian slept for an extra hour, baked bread for breakfast, she took a bag of milk in her mouth, and got into her nanny's car with the bread in her hand.

Qi Ye said before that he would take her phone away, but in the end he didn't. Ye Tian really went to bed early a few days ago.

It's just that last night, I didn't blame her for all of this. If you want to blame, you can blame Qi Ye.

Ye Tian was thinking like this while eating breakfast.

"Qingqing is coming over today, and when the time comes, I'll ask her if she's staying in the crew or in An Yunle's villa." The villas of the Ye family and An's family both bought in the same place.

That area was only developed a few years ago, not only the Ye family and the An family bought the house there, but Qi Ye's house was also there.

After all, the developer is the Qi family, and there is nothing wrong with giving a good house to his family.

The reason why Ye Tian mentioned this matter was that An Yunle must have forgotten her house here.

After all, An Yunle didn't come here very often.

"I'll give An Yunle a call." Ye Tian said, while biting the bread, he dialed An Yunle's number.

An Yunle is now dealing with the later stage of the song.

Wang Qing was the only one who went to shoot. Seeing Ye Tian's call, An Yunle immediately picked it up: "Tiantian, is Qingqing already at your place?"

"I just left home. I called you to ask you. Tell Qingqing, do you have a house here?"


An Yunle was a little dazed, and then remembered the room she asked Qi Ye to keep many years ago.

"Where do you all live?"

"Yes, I live with Qi Ye."

"He's really shameless, why don't you let Qingqing live with you?" An Yunle thought for a while, and felt that this method was feasible.

With Wang Qing around, it would be inconvenient for Qi Ye to do anything, so Ye Tian could be protected.

It can also make Wang Qing not alone.

The best of both worlds.

"No, she wishes you over there." Ye Tian directly refused, so she didn't agree: "Unless you convince Qi Ye, otherwise I don't agree!"

Qi Ye definitely didn't want to. He had been jealous for a while when he saw her and Wang Qing's CP talk before, and now if Wang Qing lived together, Qi Ye would be even more jealous.

Ye Tian felt that as a qualified girlfriend, she should reassure her boyfriend.

Well, just start by rejecting CP!
Of course, Qingqing is still her good sister!
"If you agree, there is nothing wrong with him." An Yunle said directly.

"Then, Qingqing lives at my house, what should Qi Ye do if he takes me to his house?"

After Ye Tian finished speaking, An Yunle choked.

Oh too.

A series of houses over there, except for those that have already been sold, all belong to Qi Ye.

If Wang Qing moves in and Qi Ye leaves with Ye Tian, ​​wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?

"Okay, okay, let me tell her, but my house hasn't been occupied for a long time. I'll contact the housekeeper for cleaning later, and I need to find the property to open the door. I don't know where I put the key." Ann Yun Le said such a long series of words confidently and confidently.

Ye Tian resisted not rolling her eyes at him, just took a sip of milk and hung up the phone.


After An Yunle finished speaking, he heard a beeping sound coming from the opposite side. He lamented that his sister had grown up, and then began to contact the property and housekeeping to deal with his house.

When Ye Tian arrived, it was quite late, everyone looked at Ye Tian with food in his hand, and asked with a smile.

"Did Tiantian study mathematics all night last night? Woke up late in the morning?"

(End of this chapter)

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