Chapter 636 What a positive energy

Hearing this, Ye Tian's face blushed involuntarily. She did read a book, but it wasn't a math book, but an R18 book...

"Come on, sit down, let's look at today's script. Everyone is here?"

"Wang Qing hasn't arrived yet."

"It's okay, I didn't rehearse for her today. After she comes today, she will familiarize herself with the crew and start filming tomorrow." The director looked around.

A large part of the previous script reading was to improve the actors' familiarity with the lines, because after the previous script was written, it was revised over and over again.

But this one is different now. Now this one is temporarily edited by the screenwriter teacher, and many of it may have problems, so there is one more task to read around. When encountering awkward or awkward lines, they must be corrected immediately.

Now the actors are sitting, the screenwriter teachers are also sitting next to them, and the consultant Zhuo Xiangyu, because of the large number of people, the director had to fight for a few more tables, so he can barely sit down.

After everyone got the script yesterday, they read it more or less when they went back. The things added in it did not change the original plot too much, but they were refined in the original plot.

For example, some things that were mentioned in one stroke are now written out in detail.

The emotional line of the hero and heroine has not changed in any way, relatively speaking, it has added drama to the supporting roles.

"At present, the number of episodes of our film will increase, and the filing will have to be done again, but it should not affect our summer release plan. Everyone has worked hard during this time."

After the director finished speaking, everyone promised not to hold back the crew because of their own reasons. The shooting during this period was enjoyable for everyone.

The hero and heroine have a good temper, and Qi Ye, who is said to be very cold, is also very friendly to them newcomers, but he is indeed a bit difficult to get close to when he is silent.

But after a long time, everyone gets used to it, and it's okay.

The same goes for Ye Tian, ​​just looking at her can make people happy. Such a peerless and beautiful girl is in the crew, and if she is tired, she will have more things at once if she looks at her twice.

After all, beauty is not only seductive, but also makes people happy physically and mentally.

The progress of the crew is very fast, there are few NGs, and more time is spent shooting more. Although the script has been revised now, many things in the previous shooting do not need to be revised.

The script reading in the morning was indeed slower than before.

Because I have to modify the sentences that are difficult to read, and there are some words that are more embarrassing to say.

The screenwriter is next to me, and I have to read it again after the revision.

Two hours passed, and the scenes of the day were finished.

"Okay, everyone is tired and resting for a while. The books I bought for you yesterday have arrived. Come on, logistics, give everyone a copy. We will take a photo later and use it as a publicity!"

"Look, how positive our crew is! Everyone is learning."

That's what the director said, but he didn't take pictures when he distributed the book to everyone, but let everyone read it for themselves.

Ye Tian and Qi Ye also opened the book that was left here yesterday.

The director thoughtfully prepared notebooks for everyone, and everyone can record the contents if needed.

(End of this chapter)

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