Chapter 641 Did Ye Tian Help?

"It's too late for my family to like you." Seeing Wang Qing's appearance, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing.

Just like what An Yunle was like in the early years, everyone in the family felt that this guy was going to spend his whole life with music, but even so, everyone didn't have any objections.

Although the An family is a scholarly family, it is not a feudal and backward family. The people in the family are very open, even if An Yunle really does not get married, it doesn't matter.

But, that being said, it's still better to have a girlfriend, and everyone is curious about what kind of person An Yunle can fall in love with.



"Didn't you feel it when you went?" Ye Tian asked helplessly.

"Everyone is very enthusiastic and stuffed me with a lot of red envelopes. But I haven't seen everyone, I haven't seen An Yunle's parents."

This was one of the reasons why Wang Qing was quite nervous in An's house during this time. Although she met many people, An Yunle's parents, who should be seen the most, never came to see her.

"They are quite busy. They just joined a new project some time ago. You may not see them in two or three years." Ye Tian thought for a while and said to Wang Qing.

An Yunle's parents met in university. Afterwards, the two of them were engaged in the same type of research. An Yunle's mother was An Yunle's father's assistant. The two of them had a good understanding, and the experiment was better than others. People need a lot of tacit understanding.

Before the new year, these two participated in a confidential project. When they can come out, it depends on when the project ends.

Of course, if An Yunle and Wang Qing get married at that time, those two will definitely put down their research and come up with it.

Wang Qing opened her mouth. She didn't ask when she was at An's house because she was a little scared, but now that Ye Tian said it, she suddenly understood what An Yunle said before: "I am the most stupid in our family." , only in music, there are some achievements. '

"Some things, you won't know until you have a marriage certificate with him and signed a non-disclosure agreement, but I can guarantee that if you know that An Yunle has someone he likes, my little uncle and aunt will definitely be the happiest two people!"

Hearing what Ye Tian said, Wang Qing swallowed secretly.

This is also great.

"In the future, if I'm with him, will I become the stupidest person in the family?" Wang Qing suddenly thought of this matter.

Ye Tian was stunned.

After reacting for a while, he looked at Wang Qing, and finally nodded affirmatively: "If there is no accident, it should be like this."

Wang Qing also came to her senses later, arguing with Ye Tian and walking to the cafeteria.

The two were chatting and laughing, and they even ate the same food. Those who used basically the same bubble nickname to them last night and thought they had a good relationship are now more certain.

"Wang Qing and Ye Tian have a really good relationship. This time, it must be because of Ye Tian that Wang Qing was able to get the second female lead?"

"It's true that we have a good relationship, but Ye Tian is just a newcomer in Starlight Entertainment. What right does she have?"

"Didn't there be rumors that Ye Tian was related to Ye Ming, the boss of Starlight Entertainment? During the filming of the show, Ye Ming went to see Ye Tian several times. Although the rumors were refuted, I don't think it may not be true, otherwise the same Why didn't Xing Ranran, who signed with Starry Sky, get the heroine resources?"

(End of this chapter)

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