Chapter 642
Ye Tian got the heroine of this idol drama. From the configuration point of view, this drama is definitely top-notch, and Starlight Entertainment really spent a lot of money.

There was news that Ye Tian and Ye Ming were together before, but Ye Ming immediately clarified it, and showed up with his girlfriend some time ago.

Everyone thinks that although Ye Ming has a girlfriend now, maybe Ye Tian is his ex?Although Ye Ming said that he doesn't like Ye Tian's type, but with Ye Tian's face, can anyone really not be moved?
"Xing Ranran switched jobs later, so it's not normal for her to be treated less well than Ye Tian. I heard that Xing Ranran was brought by Ai Jia. Ai Jia is a very powerful person. Many people want to go under her hands. "

Ye Tian and Wang Qing found a place to sit down at random. The shooting in the morning was a bit delayed. The staff basically had their meals, and most of the people sitting here were actors.

For those who are not familiar, everyone is far away, and those who are familiar will walk over there when they see someone, and ask if they can share a table and talk together.

Ye Tian and Wang Qing haven't seen each other for a while, and after meeting, they naturally have a lot to say.

"Some time ago, after the Philippine officials announced a heroine with a big IP, people have been pulling us to start comparisons." Wang Qing didn't care about these things before, but his manager always made her feel better.

"My agent said that those are the sailors she hired, just to create the illusion that she is much better than us, so that some capital that can't understand will choose her." The reason why Wang Qing directly talked to An Yun Le broke the news about their new song, that is, they heard what their manager said.

"This is really disgusting. How can this person pretend so well? However, she doesn't pretend to be in front of us now, and she still pretends to be more serious outside."

Shi Fei also knew that the five people in Hexagram, including Wang Qing, had alienated her at some point.

At first it was Ye Tian who had no way to conquer, then Shi Fei and Shu Ruxue who had a good relationship with Ye Tian, ​​then Xing Ranran and Wang Qing.

Although Shi Fei didn't know why her skills were getting less and less effective on these people, she didn't suspect too much. This was not her problem, it should be that these five people were weird.

Therefore, when there were only a few of them, Shi Fei didn't pretend to be warm with them, but in front of the camera, she still looked gentle and caring.

"Maybe I'm used to it." Ye Tian said while eating.

During this period of time, she didn't pay attention to Shi Fei's movements, firstly because the filming really made her feel busy and fulfilled.

Secondly, Ye Ming has already sent someone to watch Shi Fei. If the other party really wants to do something, he will definitely be discovered, so Ye Tian has relaxed his vigilance.

"I'm annoyed when it comes to her. I really don't know what her fans like about her. Can that face be praised?" At first, Wang Qing felt that Shi Fei had strength, but since Shi Fei lost in that solo battle After reading it, Wang Qing no longer thinks so.

If he was really capable, would he lose to her at that time?
"Don't talk about this person, there is one more thing. The talent show I told you about a while ago was the selection of the men's team. It seems that it will start broadcasting around February 2th." After Wang Qing finished speaking, Ye Tian raised her eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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