Chapter 649 Great
Tiantian wants to drink milk: If the two of you go, I won't go. I don't know how long the filming will take here. You guys have a good time.

The eldest brother finally found someone he likes, and she absolutely cannot be a light bulb.

However, Ye Tian opened the chat box with Ye Yu at this time.

Ye Tian: Brother! ! ! !

Ye Yu was working overtime at the company, seeing Ye Tian's exclamation marks, he thought something happened.

Brother: Did something happen?
Ye Tian: Have you fallen in love with Xuexue!You secretly dated her!
Ye Tian knew exactly what kind of personality her elder brother had, and if she talked around the bush with him, she wouldn't be able to chat.

Speaking of which, Ye Yu's personality is indeed very similar to Shu Ruxue's.

Big brother: I have nothing to do with her.

Ye Tian: ? ? ?
Big brother: We are just ordinary friends. She is a very good girl who takes her work very seriously. I admire her very much.

Ye Tian: Are you sure?

Is this something that ordinary friends can do?Her elder brother is so busy, Shu Ruxue is always free for every appointment, can this be called an ordinary friend?
These days, what is the definition of an ordinary friend?

But Ye Tian also knew that her elder brother was not enlightened.

Ye Tian: But bro, you used to treat those ordinary friends differently.

Ye Yu treats other people in a business-like manner. Friends, even friends, have to follow his rules. If today is very busy, even if it is a friend invitation, he will never go there.

Could it be that Shu Ruxue's luck is really that good, every time Ye Yu is free?This shouldn't be right?

Ye Yu frowned when he saw Ye Tian's words.

Ye Yu: Because she is your friend and you are my sister, she is naturally different. If you introduce her to me, I should help her.

From the very beginning, Ye Yu thought so. He was kind to Shu Ruxue because he knew that his sister liked Shu Ruxue as a friend, and he was kind to her just because of the status of Shu Ruxue's sister's friend.

After Ye Tian saw it, she shook her head.

It's definitely not like this, maybe it was like that at the beginning, but now that the two of them have made an appointment to go out to play, it's definitely not an ordinary relationship.

Ye Tian supported her cheeks with her hands in distress.

Ye Tian: Alright, as long as you are happy.

Ye Yu: Do you think there is anything wrong?But your friend is really good, she is a girl worth dating, and it is very suitable to play with you.

Ye Tian: There is nothing wrong, the arrangement you made is very good, you are going to go out to play after a while, aren't you?Come back with some interesting souvenirs for me then!

Ye Tian didn't know where Ye Yu was going to take Shu Ruxue, she thought about it, so she had to say that there was something she could do, and maybe the relationship between the two of them could become closer.

Ye Yu agreed to come over, and Ye Tian switched into the group again to watch everyone talking.

Wang Qing is very nervous now, and the copy that will be posted later will be posted in the group for everyone to read and read. Although the copy has been checked many times and there is no problem, she still wants to be foolproof.

Qingqing is calm: take it easy, take it easy, it's just a song, it's okay, you are the fattest!

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: woo woo woo, it’s the first time, I’m so nervous, the automatic posting time is set, there won’t be any delay, right?

(End of this chapter)

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