Chapter 650
In the end, all Wang Qing’s worries were of course non-existent, and the scheduled promotional news was released very smoothly. At the same time, after Wang Qing and An Yunle released the news of the new song, Ye Tian and others also directly forwarded An Yunle news.

Shi Fei was filming in the crew. Although she knew that today was the day for An Yunle to release a song, she didn't care.

An Yunle has nothing to do with her, and, according to An Yunle's current status and popularity, he doesn't need anyone to help him promote the song, because of this.

Seeing that all four people reposted it on the Internet, only Shi Fei did not repost it, so I was very puzzled.

[What's the situation with Shi Fei? Several people from Hexagram have reposted An Yunle's news, but there is no movement from Shi Fei?When Shi Fei was in the program group, An Yunle was still very good to her, right? 】

【The relationship between Shi Fei and An Yunle is not very good, right?It can be seen that An Yunle criticized Shi Fei during the show, maybe Shi Fei didn't like An Yunle. 】

[This...I used to think that Shi Fei was still very good at being a human being, but why is she not good at being a human being now? No matter what happened in the program group, An Yunle is one of their mentors. When a new song is released, it is always no problem for her to promote it right?Although An Yunle wasn't short of her traffic, but no matter what, it was her heart! 】

[emmm... Shi Fei should be filming now, right?Maybe there is no time?After all, the others are very busy. 】

[A Shi Fei fan upstairs, right?It's Xiaohua that everyone else is very idle, Shi Fei can have a job, and the other sisters who are ten times better than her will have nothing to do?It's just that others are low-key. 】

[Don't laugh at me to death, do you have something to do?Why no publicity, no official announcement?Are you so low-key? 】

[emmm... This is obviously just playing without Shi Fei. I have heard that there is a discord within the six-pointed star. It seems to be true. Shi Fei and the other few people can't play together. 】

[Ham, who would like to hang out with good people? Have those people been exposed during this period of time? 】

On the Internet, Shi Fei's fans are full of confidence in Shi Fei because of the official announcement of the TV series some time ago.

Shi Fei was not idle when filming the TV series, because this big IP's Yuanying, her manager negotiated a few good endorsements for her and got a lot of money.

The money given by these endorsements was enough for Shifei to make up for the money that the company gave her before, and left a large sum.

She used it as her own marketing expenses. During this period of time on the Internet, she felt quite top-notch.

Shi Fei himself was very satisfied with this.

After seeing the news on the Internet, the manager helped Shi Fei forward the promotional message of An Yunle.

After reposting, Shi Fei also asked Shi Fei to send photos of the crew.

[Six-pointed star-Shi Fei V: Good afternoon everyone during the filming break! 】

This day also explains why she is later than others, because she is really doing things.

[Ahhh, Feifei's shape is so pretty, I love it! 】

[When will Feifei release a new song? 】

【Looking forward to Feifei's new song! 】

【Feifei has worked hard, ignore those comments and let's laugh at Mad Dog】

At this time, the program group also forwarded Wang Qing's news.

[You don't understand the world of Xueba V: The opening song is in place, let's listen to the song~[Picture]]

(End of this chapter)

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