Chapter 662 Lottery
[Hahaha, tell the host if you have used it, give it to your girlfriend, your girlfriend will definitely love you more!This is really easy to use, everyone who has used it agrees, but the price is a bit more expensive. Of course, it is impossible to make my girlfriend become like Ye Tian after using it. 】

[My girlfriend asked me to buy it for her, and I asked her if she could become as beautiful as Ye Tian after using it?I'd buy it if I could, she hit me! 】

[23333, what's the fool upstairs? 】

After Ye Tian forwarded the other party's promotional news, she didn't read those things on the Internet.

But when filming later, she clearly saw that there was something wrong with the way everyone looked at her.

"What's the matter, is there something swollen on my face?" Ye Tian touched her face and looked at Tao Tongtong next to her.

Tao Tongtong shook her head.

"No, no no no no."

"It's just that everyone is curious."

"Curiosity?" Ye Tian felt a little puzzled.

We've been filming together for so long and now you're curious about her?

Not quite right?
"I'm curious, will I become like you after using Y&T?"

Ye Tian had a question mark on her face.

"Hahaha, everyone is joking, you haven't watched the trending searches, have you? Check it out, it's interesting!"

After Tao Tongtong finished speaking, Ye Tian walked to her small bench, sat down and turned on her phone.

The news that Y&T was out of stock on the Internet was brushed to the first place, and after using this, Ye Tian ranked second.

Ye Tiandian entered the second article, and she saw those comments.

Most people are in Amway Y&T. After all, it is really easy to use, but it is a bit expensive. It is the right way to let sisters buy hands with themselves.

After reading it, Ye Tiandian started her own chat and read the comments from fans.

【Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom Tiantian endorses is too expensive, I can't afford it, wait for me to save money. 】

[Ahhh, I bought it, and I will have to eat dirt for half a year, but I am happy! 】

[I'm so happy, Tiantian's endorsement resources are so good! 】

[The things Ye Tian endorsed, I can afford milk! 】

[It's okay sister, what we drink is not milk but Ye Tian's love. 】

[Seeing that I shed tears of poverty, I ordered two more pieces of milk! [picture]】

Most of the fans congratulated Ye Tian for getting the endorsement, and promoted Ye Tian, ​​and some of them bought the endorsement, and also showed off their orders, and posted on the official blog of the Art brand.

A large part of fans are crying and complaining that they didn't buy it or didn't have the money to buy it.

After all, it's really not something everyone can consume.

Ye Tian thought for a while, and clicked on Xu Ying's dialog box.

Ye Tian: I will hold a lottery.

Xu Ying:? ? ?
Ye Tian: Free Y&T's main skin care product set!

Xu Ying:! ! !
After Xu Ying saw what Ye Tian said, her whole body was refreshed.

Send Y&T?

Still a set?How many people are sent!

Ye Tian: Let’s just give away 100 sets. Y&T didn’t do any activities before.

This brand is fully owned by Ye Tian. Since Ye Tian was born, all the shares have been in her name, and it is not listed.It just belongs to Ye Tian completely.

After Ye Tian and Xu Ying finished talking, they contacted there.

Of course the boss is OK.

[Six-pointed star-Ye Tian V: Come to send a bonus, forward this message and follow me and @Y&T, 100 fans will be selected at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon to give away Y&T's main skin care product set. 】

As soon as the news came out, the entire Internet was boiling.

(End of this chapter)

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