Chapter 663 Experience the feeling of being pampered
What are netizens most interested in?
That's definitely a lottery!

Those various lottery draws on the Internet are liked by countless people. Although I know that I am the legendary non-chief and an insulator who wins the lottery, it is not a big loss for me to repost the lottery. What?

Everyone has such a mentality, because for me, there is absolutely no loss in forwarding other people's news to draw a lottery, and maybe I will get some unexpected surprises.

Therefore, on the Internet, most people are willing to participate in lottery activities.

On Ye Tian's side, the news that a hundred people were selected to give gifts quickly spread to everyone's No. [-] Middle School.

Ye Tian has a lot of fans, plus the people watching the fun, after seeing the lucky draw, they also want to join in the fun.

In just one hour, the lottery news sent by Ye Tian exceeded 30 valid retweets.

Y&T, also because of this lottery, instantly gained an unknown number of fans.

There are still a lot of fans on Ye Tian's side who have trumpets. There is no way to avoid such things as trumpets, and there are some invisible settings on Ye Tian's side. For example, those with more interactions are easier to win. These settings are all clear written below the message.

Even if someone wanted to say something, there was nowhere to say it.

Ye Tian's fans were shocked by this huge surprise.

Who would have thought, who would have thought?

Ye Tian, ​​this seems to be a benefit for the entire network, but it is actually a benefit for fans!
Although I didn't say it, it's not too much for fans to have a few trumpets in their hands, right?
It's normal for those trumpets to interact with Ye Tian a lot, right?
Accounts with high interaction volume are more likely to be drawn. Rounding up, 90.00% of the [-] places will fall into the pockets of Ye Tian's fans.

[Ahhhhhh, I don’t know what to say about this benefit, we usually pay for data investment, sisters! 】

[Maybe, this is the spring of the data girl, woo woo woo, I hope I can win the lottery! ! !After winning the lottery, I will buy another set! 】

In Ye Tian's super talk, fans knew what was going on after seeing the winning rules.

The rules are clearly written in the conditions, and there is no possibility of any black box operation.

Although some people were upset and said [Ye Tian didn't directly specify that only her fans can win the award?And the amount of interaction, isn't this disgusting us passers-by? 】

Of course, if someone says this, there are those who refute him.

[This man's face is really big, Fufufu, have you done anything for others?Why should others give you benefits?Because of your ugly appearance, or because of your bad mouth? 】

[Ye Tian is so kind, the person who gave her must be very happy, although it is not stated clearly, but these rules show that most of this gift will end up in the hands of hardcore fans! 】

Many other fans started to envy Ye Tian's fans.

Since Ye Tian's debut, fans have always been lying and winning. Sometimes, before they have time to do something, Ye Tian has already done something.

Of course, without their efforts to vote for Ye Tian, ​​it would be impossible for Ye Tian to debut. It can be said that the two sides have achieved each other so far.

[I also want to be a fan of Ye Tian, ​​called Ye Tian's fan, experience the feeling of being pampered by this woman! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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