Chapter 689 Interaction
[Is it a new song? 】

[Ahhh, where are you now, the outside is so beautiful! 】

[Are you writing a new song?When are you going to release it? 】

Fans saw the scenery outside the window, and also saw the unwritten paper on the table.

Shu Ruxue looked at what the fans said below, and chose a few people to reply.

[Six-pointed star-Shu Ruxue V: I am indeed writing a new song. 】

[Six-pointed star-Shu Ruxue V: Well, this place is beautiful. 】

[Six-pointed star-Shu Ruxue V: Don't worry]

The fans didn't expect that Shu Ruxue not only posted photos today, but also responded to people, and they all left messages for Shu Ruxue like crazy in an instant.

Shu Ruxue also quickly became popular.

During this time, everyone was holding a breath in their hearts.

Shu Ruxue never showed up, which caused their family to be trampled by others.

Now that Shu Ruxue has published her own photos, it also shows that she is creating a new work. The fans are happy, and they directly send Shu Ruxue to the hot search.

But even so, it is inevitable that someone will be sour.

[What kind of resource is this?The song is made by myself, so there is nothing else?Shu Ruxue's company really doesn't value her at all! 】

[No, since Shu Ruxue formed a group last year, she hasn’t even been on a variety show, nor has she endorsed any of them. I really don’t know what’s going on with her. She debuted as No.2, but now she’s a mess Not as good as Shi Fei. 】

[The other people are not necessarily so good. All Wang Qing knows so far is that there are songs and a few TV series filmed. The others still have nothing.There are very few endorsements, only the endorsement of the group. 】

[After all, it is only a two-year limited group, maybe the company doesn't pay much attention to it at all?However, Shi Fei's company is really good and has given Shi Fei a lot of resources. Recently, when I saw Shi Fei's Reuters, she seemed to have lost weight. 】

While people on the Internet were discussing, Ye Tian and the others were very lively.

Qingqing treats everyone equally: Xuexue's fans have been holding back for long enough, and it's only taken a while to be directly on the trending searches.

It's still night, hot searches come one after another, it's really overwhelming.

However, it is precisely because of the night that everyone is so free.

Qingqing treats everyone equally: My program will be officially announced tomorrow, and I don't know what will happen then.

Wang Qing went to that show to be a mentor, but after all, it's traffic, which will cause a lot of controversy, such as the issue of strength and so on.

Before his debut, Wang Qing had been a dance teacher for many years, and now he should be a well-deserved teacher in a dance variety show.

But now she is traffic, with the label of no strength.

Qingqing treats everyone equally: The people in my program group were pretty good at first, but then they feel like that...

Qingqing treats everyone equally: I won't be sincere anymore!

Qingqing treats everyone equally: Everyone, don't go to any variety shows in the future, it's too chaotic, too chaotic, and now I feel that our Starlight Girls are really clean.

After going through some experiences, Wang Qing realized how difficult it was for him to make his debut, it was simply the right time and place.

If it wasn't for Starlight Girl's lack of capitalism, she would have been eliminated long ago and would have no chance to make her debut.

(End of this chapter)

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