Chapter 690 About next year?
Ran Ran also wants to shut up: We are indeed very lucky, and we are really angry after reading the discussions of those people on the Internet.

Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: I don't even want the resources that Shi Fei received if they were given to me, okay?Beep on the Internet all day long.

Ran Ran also wants to shut up: My assistant told me that my fans are almost out of control QAQ
Qingqing really wants to eat meat: Hahaha, let you all retreat and practice?

Ran Ran also wants to shut up: I don't want to either, but I really don't have time to participate in those variety shows, events and the like.

Ran Ran also wants to shut up: I'm busy studying recently!
The company gave Xing Ranran the greatest freedom. She can do whatever she wants. If she wants resources, the company has them, but if she wants to rest, study and improve, the company will never refuse.

In short, all companies can be satisfied.

In addition to preparing her own album during this time, she is studying in the company and preparing to take the college entrance examination again.

Of course, this year's college entrance examination is not available. If you want to participate, you need to register around November and December every year, and you can take the college entrance examination in the second year.

Xing Ranran recently also accepted a TV series with the second female lead. The filming time was not too long, and there was time for rest.

Tiantian wants to drink milk: The world is so beautiful, we shouldn't be so irritable, my TV drama promotion will have to wait until around the summer vacation.

Ye Tian didn't have much time to pay attention to those things on the Internet recently, but after listening to this, she knew what was going on.

Qingqing treats everyone equally: But, what is Shi Fei's situation? Is she short of money?Why are all resources being picked up?Wouldn't those things really make her worth lower?

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: Who knows, as long as it doesn't affect us, ahhhhhh, I feel very sad when I think that she forwarded my message some time ago.

A few people chatted briefly in the group, and after the break, Ye Tian continued to shoot at night.

Because the crew is very harmonious, the loss of changing actors in the middle has been gradually made up for, and the progress of the crew has been at the top.

Moreover, because everyone has made great progress in acting during this period of time, the number of NGs during filming has become less and less.

The shooting was fast, causing the director to frantically add a lot of scenes every day.

Ye Tian and Qi Ye are naturally very busy as the hero and heroine, especially Qi Ye.

Because Qi Ye only gave the crew three months, so during the initial period, Qi Ye was basically in the scene all day long.

There is little time for rest.

After returning home, Qi Ye still had to deal with the company's affairs.

Of course, after returning home, with Ye Tian sitting beside her, she wasn't so tired.

"I'm going to record a variety show in a while." Qiye's variety show has been set, it's a slow-life show, and the guests basically go there for fun.

Qi Ye has been too busy recently, so going there for a few days is considered a vacation.

"I'm also going to a variety show, are we the same?"

"Yes, it may take half a day then?"

After Qi Ye finished speaking, Ye Tian began to look forward to it.

"When will we be on the same variety show?"

"Do you have time next year?" Qi Ye looked at Ye Tian and asked.

He also wants to participate in the same variety show with Ye Tian, ​​but neither of them has time this year.

Only, about next year?

(End of this chapter)

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