Chapter 691 The Pastoral Life
Next year will be the second year of Starlight Girl's debut and the end year.

According to the original plan, there will be three months of farewell tour next year. After the tour, the group announced their disbandment.

The approximate tour time is June, July and August, and the group disbanded at the end of August.

However, the three-month tour requires about one month of rehearsal, and one month of preparation for the new album and group performance.

"I'm free from January to May next year. The rest of the time is for team activities and I can't leave."

"The variety show shouldn't take much time. Let's talk about it when the time comes. If there is no one, we can invest in one ourselves." Qi Ye thought about it, and discussed with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian also nodded, so it was decided.

Two months have passed since the filming of the crew.

Qi Ye asked for leave at this time to record variety shows.

The entire crew was stunned.

Variety show!

A variety show that Qi Ye participated in?what exactly is it?
Everyone thinks rain boots are incredible.

After all, Qi Ye has never participated in any variety show since his debut, and rarely does publicity.

That is to say, he can have such confidence not to run any publicity. If he is replaced by another actor, he may be scolded to death by the director.

After all, movies still need publicity. Movies are different from TV dramas. TV dramas rely on advertising fees and money from selling to platforms.

But movies basically rely on box office revenue.

If the box office income is to be high, first of all you have to let everyone know that there is such a movie.

That's why the movie has a lot of publicity and things like that.

But even so, Qi Ye had never participated in any variety shows, and this was the first time for Starlight Girls.

However, Starlight Girl is not really a variety show in general.

The variety show that I took Starlight Girl to participate in afterwards was considered, but everyone knew that it was not Qi Ye’s initiative, and more factors were the trainees of Starlight Girl. If there were no trainees, Qi Ye would never have will go.

But now, Qi Ye has a variety show?

This is so intriguing!
Afterwards, the director realized that Ye Tian had also asked for leave a month ago, in a few days.

Are these two people the same?
Now that Qi Ye had left, Ye Tian had to be called to inquire.

"Ah? I didn't know that Mr. Qi Ye had a variety show! I booked it a long time ago. Is he at the same time as me? We shouldn't be able to see each other when the time comes."

"The airing time should be very soon. It will be in April. Well, the promotion has not reached my side at that time, so I won't say what I'm doing."

The director didn't say too much. If the two people filmed in different episodes, it's still a question of whether they can meet each other.

Qi Ye asked for leave for a week, Ye Tian also asked for three days, how do you think the dates overlap?

"At that time, if the two of you are in the same program group, don't reveal your secrets!"

The director asked thousands of times, and Ye Tian said that she had written it down.

Everyone in the production team was very curious about the variety show that Qi Ye was going to participate in. After summarizing some of the shows that Pancreatic Cancer is currently recording, they felt that Qi Ye might have participated in that particularly famous slow variety show - "Pastoral Life"

Well, you can tell by the name, it is for farming, and the program group really does everything, giving the guests fields and other things with local characteristics, and then, it is completely self-sufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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