Chapter 718 Why Didn't The Male Lead Announce?

After all, people always see the top part of the people, other people, others do not notice, and will not pay attention.

Of course, these are not issues that Ye Tian needs to worry about.

"Teacher, do you think it's okay for me to sing this line?" She sat with the teacher invited by the company, going through the lyrics line by line.

She wasn't familiar with the lyrics before, and there were five songs in a month, which was actually a bit rushed.

"Okay, try singing this section consecutively." The teacher marveled at Ye Tian's learning ability.

After only three days in the studio, I am already familiar with several songs, and now I am digging out the details of the first song.

"In this way, the sound of your second sentence is still a bit wrong. I think you can try to go higher." While singing, the teacher and the team also helped to revise the song and lyrics.

After all, the lyrics and music have been compiled, but it still needs to be compatible with Ye Tian.

"Okay." Ye Tiandian nodded, and looked at the lyrics in his hand again.

After she took a sip of water, she continued to sing that line according to the teacher's request.

After singing, her eyes lit up.

"How about it?"

"It feels better than before."

"Then let's change it like this!" After the teacher made a final decision, the song was revised.

Ye Tian stayed in the recording studio for a week. During this week, she didn't read any news from outside. She was just getting in touch with her new album.

It wasn't until the news came from the crew that she was asked to forward the promotional blog of the crew, that Ye Tian took out her phone and logged into the Hongyan app that she hadn't seen for a long time.

It has been announced who the heroine is, but the crew has no intention of announcing the heroine.

After all, the male lead is a surprise. After the broadcast starts, the audience will find out that there will be another wave of natural enthusiasm.

It would not be attractive if all the hot spots were released before the show was broadcast.

After Ye Tian finished reposting, the associated trending searches quickly went up.

Now, it is very difficult for Ye Tian to reach the top of the trending searches, because she has a lot of traffic, and Red Eye will limit her traffic.

After Ye Tian forwarded it, she also looked at the other comments above.

Everyone is not too surprised that the heroine is Ye Tian, ​​but many people are guessing who the heroine is.

Because the picture given by the hero is really too blurry.

It's so vague that it reminds people of countless individuals.

Obviously, the production crew didn't intend to tell everyone who the hero is.

Everything has to wait until after the broadcast in July.

This immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

[To be honest, how many people are there who can match Ye Tian's looks? 】

[That's what I said... If the looks of the male lead and the female lead don't match...]

This is the case in many costume dramas. The heroine looks okay, but the male protagonist, with his plastic surgery face, makes people very entertaining. There are not many ancient costumes in the circle that can make people look amazing.

However, this is a modern drama. For modern dramas, ordinary male stars can still pass the test.

[To be honest, I'm still fantasizing about how great it would be if the male lead was Luo Min. Both of them have peak looks and are about the same age, so they fit well in this kind of drama! 】

[Don't think about it, it's impossible, think too much, that guy just debuted, when Ye Tian was filming, he was still a trainee! 】

(End of this chapter)

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